Class BasicChecker

  extended by javax.annotation.processing.AbstractProcessor
      extended by checkers.source.SourceChecker
          extended by checkers.basetype.BaseTypeChecker
              extended by checkers.util.BasicChecker
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
FlowTestChecker, TestChecker

public class BasicChecker
extends BaseTypeChecker

A checker for type qualifier systems that only checks subtyping relationships.

The annotation(s) are specified on the command line, using an annotation processor argument:

Field Summary
protected static boolean FLOW_BY_DEFAULT
          Whether flow is enabled if no lint option is provided.
Fields inherited from class checkers.source.SourceChecker
currentRoot, env, messager, messages, skipPattern, trees
Fields inherited from class javax.annotation.processing.AbstractProcessor
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 AnnotatedTypeFactory createFactory(CompilationUnitTree root)
          Constructs an instance of the appropriate type factory for the implemented type system.
protected  Set<Class<? extends Annotation>> createSupportedTypeQualifiers()
          If the checker class is annotated with TypeQualifiers, return an immutable set with the same set of classes as the annotation.
 void init(ProcessingEnvironment p)
Methods inherited from class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeChecker
createQualifierHierarchy, createSourceVisitor, createTypeHierarchy, getQualifierHierarchy, getSupportedLintOptions, getSupportedTypeQualifiers, isAssignable, isSubtype, isValidUse
Methods inherited from class checkers.source.SourceChecker
getLintOption, getLintOption, getMessages, getProcessingEnvironment, getShouldSkip, getSupportedAnnotationTypes, getSupportedOptions, getSupportedSourceVersion, getSuppressWarningsKey, message, process, report, shouldSkip
Methods inherited from class javax.annotation.processing.AbstractProcessor
getCompletions, isInitialized
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static boolean FLOW_BY_DEFAULT
Whether flow is enabled if no lint option is provided.

Constructor Detail


public BasicChecker()
Method Detail


public void init(ProcessingEnvironment p)
Description copied from class: SourceChecker

Specified by:
init in interface Processor
init in class BaseTypeChecker
See Also:


public AnnotatedTypeFactory createFactory(CompilationUnitTree root)
Description copied from class: BaseTypeChecker
Constructs an instance of the appropriate type factory for the implemented type system. The default implementation uses the checker naming convention to create the appropriate type factory. If no factory is found, it returns AnnotatedTypeFactory. It reflectively invokes the constructor that accepts this checker and compilation unit tree (in that order) as arguments. Subclasses have to override this method to create the appropriate visitor if they do not follow the checker naming convention.

createFactory in class BaseTypeChecker
root - the currently visited compilation unit
the appropriate type factory


protected Set<Class<? extends Annotation>> createSupportedTypeQualifiers()
Description copied from class: BaseTypeChecker
If the checker class is annotated with TypeQualifiers, return an immutable set with the same set of classes as the annotation. If the class is not so annotated, return an empty set. Subclasses may override this method to return an immutable set of their supported type qualifiers.

createSupportedTypeQualifiers in class BaseTypeChecker
the type qualifiers supported this processor, or an empty set if none
See Also: