Class SourceChecker

  extended by javax.annotation.processing.AbstractProcessor
      extended by checkers.source.SourceChecker
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
AnnotationsCounter, BaseTypeChecker, FactoryTestChecker, Locations, TreeDebug

public abstract class SourceChecker
extends AbstractProcessor

An abstract annotation processor designed for implementing a source-file checker for a JSR-308 conforming compiler plug-in. It provides an interface to javac's annotation processing API, routines for error reporting via the JSR 199 compiler API, and an implementation for using a SourceVisitor to perform the type-checking.

Subclasses must implement the following methods:

Field Summary
protected  CompilationUnitTree currentRoot
          The source tree that's being scanned.
protected  ProcessingEnvironment env
          Provides access to compiler helpers/internals.
protected messager
          Used to report error messages and warnings via the compiler.
protected  Properties messages
          Maps error keys to localized/custom error messages.
protected  Pattern skipPattern
          A regular expression for classes that should be skipped.
protected  Trees trees
          Used as a helper for the SourceVisitor.
Fields inherited from class javax.annotation.processing.AbstractProcessor
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 AnnotatedTypeFactory createFactory(CompilationUnitTree root)
protected abstract  SourceVisitor<?,?> createSourceVisitor(CompilationUnitTree root)
          Provides the SourceVisitor that the checker should use to scan input source trees.
 boolean getLintOption(String name)
          Determines the value of the lint option with the given name.
 boolean getLintOption(String name, boolean def)
          Determines the value of the lint option with the given name.
 Properties getMessages()
          Provides a mapping of error keys to custom error messages.
 ProcessingEnvironment getProcessingEnvironment()
 Pattern getShouldSkip()
          Returns a regular expression pattern to specify java classes that are not annotated, and thus whose warnings and should be surpressed.
 Set<String> getSupportedAnnotationTypes()
          Always returns a singleton set containing only "*", forcing all type checkers to run always (even on unannotated code), and explicitly checks that subclasses do not contain a SupportedAnnotationTypes annotation on their declarations.
 Set<String> getSupportedLintOptions()
          Returns the lint options recognized by this checker.
 Set<String> getSupportedOptions()
 SourceVersion getSupportedSourceVersion()
protected  String getSuppressWarningsKey()
 void init(ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv)
protected  void message(Diagnostic.Kind kind, Object source, Object msgKey, Object... args)
          Prints a message (error, warning, note, etc.) via JSR-269.
 boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations, RoundEnvironment roundEnv)
 void report(Result r, Object src)
          Reports a result.
 boolean shouldSkip(String className)
          Determines whether checking against members of the class with the given name should be performed.
Methods inherited from class javax.annotation.processing.AbstractProcessor
getCompletions, isInitialized
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected ProcessingEnvironment env
Provides access to compiler helpers/internals.


protected Properties messages
Maps error keys to localized/custom error messages.


protected messager
Used to report error messages and warnings via the compiler.


protected Trees trees
Used as a helper for the SourceVisitor.


protected CompilationUnitTree currentRoot
The source tree that's being scanned.


protected final Pattern skipPattern
A regular expression for classes that should be skipped.

Constructor Detail


public SourceChecker()
Method Detail


public ProcessingEnvironment getProcessingEnvironment()
the ProcessingEnvironment that was supplied to this checker


public AnnotatedTypeFactory createFactory(CompilationUnitTree root)
root - the AST root for the factory
an AnnotatedTypeFactory for use by typecheckers


protected abstract SourceVisitor<?,?> createSourceVisitor(CompilationUnitTree root)
Provides the SourceVisitor that the checker should use to scan input source trees.

root - the AST root
a SourceVisitor to use to scan source trees


public Properties getMessages()
Provides a mapping of error keys to custom error messages.

a Properties that maps error keys to error message text


public void init(ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv)

Specified by:
init in interface Processor
init in class AbstractProcessor
See Also:


public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations,
                       RoundEnvironment roundEnv)

Specified by:
process in interface Processor
Specified by:
process in class AbstractProcessor
See Also:
AbstractProcessor.process(java.util.Set, javax.annotation.processing.RoundEnvironment)


protected void message(Diagnostic.Kind kind,
                       Object source,
                       Object msgKey,
                       Object... args)
Prints a message (error, warning, note, etc.) via JSR-269.

kind - the type of message to print
source - the object from which to obtain source position information
msgKey - the message key to print
args - arguments for interpolation in the string corresponding to the given message key
IllegalArgumentException - if source is neither a Tree nor an Element
See Also:


public void report(Result r,
                   Object src)
Reports a result. By default, it prints it to the screen via the compiler's internal messeger if the result is non-success; otherwise, the method returns with no side-effects.

r - the result to report
src - the position object associated with the result


public boolean shouldSkip(String className)
Determines whether checking against members of the class with the given name should be performed. This method will return true only when the given class name matches the regular expression specified by the checkers.skipClasses property.

className - the fully qualified name of the class to check
true if the members of the class named className should not be checked against


public boolean getLintOption(String name)
Determines the value of the lint option with the given name. Lint options are provided in a similar manner to standard javac lint options: as a list of option names, or option names prepended with a "-", following the "-Alint=" javac switch. If the option name is present without a "-", it returns true; if the option name is present but prepended with a "-" or it is not present at all, this method returns false.

name - the name of the lint option to check for
true if the lint option was given, false if it was not given or was given prepended with a "-"
IllegalArgumentException - if the option name is not recognized via the SupportedLintOptions annotation or the getSupportedLintOptions() method
See Also:


public boolean getLintOption(String name,
                             boolean def)
Determines the value of the lint option with the given name. Lint options are provided in a similar manner to standard javac lint options: as a list of option names, or option names prepended with a "-", following the "-Alint=" javac switch. If the option name is present without a "-", this method returns true; if the option name is present but prepended with a "-", it returns false. If the option is not present at all, it returns the value of the def argument (the default option value).

name - the name of the lint option to check for
def - the default option value, returned if the option was not given
true if the lint option was given, false if it was given prepended with a "-", or def if it was not given at all
IllegalArgumentException - if the option name is not recognized via the SupportedLintOptions annotation or the getSupportedLintOptions() method
See Also:


public Set<String> getSupportedOptions()
Specified by:
getSupportedOptions in interface Processor
getSupportedOptions in class AbstractProcessor


public final Set<String> getSupportedAnnotationTypes()
Always returns a singleton set containing only "*", forcing all type checkers to run always (even on unannotated code), and explicitly checks that subclasses do not contain a SupportedAnnotationTypes annotation on their declarations. To specify the annotations that a checker recognizes as type qualifiers, use the TypeQualifiers annotation on the declaration of subclasses of this class or override the BaseTypeChecker.getSupportedTypeQualifiers() method.

Specified by:
getSupportedAnnotationTypes in interface Processor
getSupportedAnnotationTypes in class AbstractProcessor
Error - if a subclass is annotated with SupportedAnnotationTypes
See Also:
TypeQualifiers, getSupportedAnnotationTypes()


public Set<String> getSupportedLintOptions()
Returns the lint options recognized by this checker. Lint options are those which can be checked for via getLintOption(java.lang.String).

an unmodifiable Set of the lint options recognized by this checker


protected String getSuppressWarningsKey()
the String key that a checker honors for suppressing warnings and errors that it issues
See Also:


public Pattern getShouldSkip()
Returns a regular expression pattern to specify java classes that are not annotated, and thus whose warnings and should be surpressed. It returns the pattern specified by the user, through the option checkers.skipClasses; otherwise it returns a pattern that can match no class.

pattern of un-annotated classes that should be skipped


public SourceVersion getSupportedSourceVersion()
Specified by:
getSupportedSourceVersion in interface Processor
getSupportedSourceVersion in class AbstractProcessor