Annotation Interface EnsuresQualifier

A postcondition annotation to indicate that a method ensures that certain expressions have a certain type qualifier once the method has successfully terminated. The expressions for which the qualifier holds after the method's execution are indicated by expression and are specified using a string. The qualifier is specified by the qualifier annotation element.

Here is an example use:

  @EnsuresQualifier(expression = "p.f1", qualifier = Odd.class)
   void oddF1_1() {
       p.f1 = null;
Some type systems have specialized versions of this annotation, such as org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.EnsuresNonNull and org.checkerframework.checker.lock.qual.EnsuresLockHeld.
See Also:
See the Checker Framework Manual:
Syntax of Java expressions
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static @interface 
    A wrapper annotation that makes the EnsuresQualifier annotation repeatable.
  • Required Element Summary

    Required Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Required Element
    Returns the Java expressions for which the qualifier holds after successful method termination.
    Class<? extends Annotation>
    Returns the qualifier that is guaranteed to hold on successful termination of the method.
  • Element Details

    • expression

      String[] expression
      Returns the Java expressions for which the qualifier holds after successful method termination.
      the Java expressions for which the qualifier holds after successful method termination
      See the Checker Framework Manual:
      Syntax of Java expressions
    • qualifier

      Class<? extends Annotation> qualifier
      Returns the qualifier that is guaranteed to hold on successful termination of the method.
      the qualifier that is guaranteed to hold on successful termination of the method