public final class TypesUtils extends Object
s.Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static boolean |
areSameDeclaredTypes( t1, t2)
Returns true iff the arguments are both the same declared types.
static boolean |
areSamePrimitiveTypes(TypeMirror left,
TypeMirror right)
Returns true iff the arguments are both the same primitive type.
static TypeMirror |
asSuper(TypeMirror type,
TypeMirror superType,
ProcessingEnvironment env)
type as superType if superType is a super type of type ; otherwise, null. |
static ArrayType |
createArrayType(TypeMirror componentType,
Types types)
Returns an
ArrayType with elements of type componentType . |
static @Nullable TypeMirror |
findConcreteUpperBound(TypeMirror boundedType)
Given a bounded type (wildcard or typevar) get the concrete type of its upper bound.
static @Nullable WildcardType |
getCapturedWildcard(TypeVariable typeVar)
If typeVar is a captured wildcard, returns that wildcard; otherwise returns
null . |
static @CanonicalNameOrEmpty Name |
getQualifiedName(DeclaredType type)
Gets the fully qualified name for a provided type.
static @Nullable TypeElement |
getTypeElement(TypeMirror type)
Returns the type element for
type if type is a class, interface, annotation
type, or enum. |
static TypeMirror |
greatestLowerBound(TypeMirror tm1,
TypeMirror tm2,
ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv)
Returns the greatest lower bound of two
TypeMirror s, ignoring any annotations on the
types. |
static boolean |
hasEnclosingType(TypeMirror type)
Returns true if
type has an enclosing type. |
static boolean |
isAnonymous(TypeMirror type)
Returns true iff the argument is an anonymous type.
static boolean |
isBooleanType(TypeMirror type)
Checks if the type represents a boolean type, that is either boolean (primitive type) or
static boolean |
isBoxedFloating(TypeMirror type)
Returns true iff the argument is a boxed floating point type.
static boolean |
isBoxedPrimitive(TypeMirror type) |
static boolean |
isBoxOf(TypeMirror declaredType,
TypeMirror primitiveType)
Returns true if declaredType is a Class that is used to box primitive type (e.g.
static boolean |
isCaptured(TypeMirror typeVar)
Returns whether a TypeVariable represents a captured type.
static boolean |
isClass(TypeMirror type)
Checks if the type represents the java.lang.Class declared type.
static boolean |
isClassType(TypeMirror type)
Returns whether a TypeMirror represents a class type.
static boolean |
isDeclaredOfName(TypeMirror type,
CharSequence qualifiedName)
Check if the type represents a declared type of the given qualified name.
static boolean |
isErasedSubtype(TypeMirror subtype,
TypeMirror supertype,
Types types)
Returns true if the erased type of subtype is a subtype of the erased type of supertype.
static boolean |
isFloatingPoint(TypeMirror type)
Return true if the argument TypeMirror is a (possibly boxed) floating point type.
static boolean |
isFloatingPrimitive(TypeMirror type)
Returns true iff the argument is a primitive floating point type.
static boolean |
isFunctionalInterface(TypeMirror type,
ProcessingEnvironment env)
Returns whether or not
type is a functional interface type (as defined in JLS 9.8). |
static boolean |
isImmutableTypeInJdk(TypeMirror type)
Return true if this is an immutable type in the JDK.
static boolean |
isIntegralPrimitive(TypeMirror type)
Returns true iff the argument is an integral primitive type.
static boolean |
isIntegralPrimitiveOrBoxed(TypeMirror type)
Return true if the argument TypeMirror is a (possibly boxed) integral type.
static boolean |
isNarrower(PrimitiveType a,
PrimitiveType b)
Returns true if a widening conversion happens between the types.
static boolean |
isNumeric(TypeMirror type)
Returns true iff the argument is a primitive numeric type.
static boolean |
isNumericBoxed(TypeMirror type)
Returns true iff the argument is a boxed numeric type.
static boolean |
isObject(TypeMirror type)
Checks if the type represents a java.lang.Object declared type.
static boolean |
isPrimitive(TypeMirror type)
Returns true iff the argument is a primitive type.
static boolean |
isPrimitiveOrBoxed(TypeMirror type)
Returns true iff the argument is a primitive type or a boxed primitive type
static boolean |
isString(TypeMirror type)
Checks if the type represents a java.lang.String declared type.
static boolean |
isThrowable(TypeMirror type)
Returns true if type represents a Throwable type (e.g.
static TypeMirror |
leastUpperBound(TypeMirror tm1,
TypeMirror tm2,
ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv)
Returns the least upper bound of two
TypeMirror s, ignoring any annotations on the
types. |
static String |
simpleTypeName(TypeMirror type)
Returns the simple type name, without annotations.
static TypeMirror |
substituteMethodReturnType(Element methodElement,
TypeMirror substitutedReceiverType,
ProcessingEnvironment env)
Returns the return type of a method, given the receiver of the method call.
static TypeMirror |
typeFromClass(Class<?> clazz,
Types types,
Elements elements)
Returns the
TypeMirror for a given Class . |
static TypeMirror |
upperBound(TypeMirror type)
If the argument is a bounded TypeVariable or WildcardType, return its non-variable,
non-wildcard upper bound.
static @Nullable TypeParameterElement |
wildcardToTypeParam( wildcard)
Get the type parameter for this wildcard from the underlying type's bound field This field is
sometimes null, in that case this method will return null.
static |
wildLowerBound(TypeMirror tm,
ProcessingEnvironment env)
Version of that works with both jdk8
(called upperBound there) and jdk8u.
static |
wildUpperBound(TypeMirror tm,
ProcessingEnvironment env)
Version of that works with both jdk8
(called upperBound there) and jdk8u.
public static TypeMirror typeFromClass(Class<?> clazz, Types types, Elements elements)
for a given Class
- a classtypes
- the type utilitieselements
- the element utiliitesclazz
public static ArrayType createArrayType(TypeMirror componentType, Types types)
with elements of type componentType
- the component type of the created array typetypes
- the type utilitiesArrayType
whose elements have type componentType
public static @CanonicalNameOrEmpty Name getQualifiedName(DeclaredType type)
- the declared typepublic static String simpleTypeName(TypeMirror type)
- a typepublic static @Nullable TypeElement getTypeElement(TypeMirror type)
if type
is a class, interface, annotation
type, or enum. Otherwise, returns null.type
- whose element is returnedtype
if type
is a class, interface, annotation
type, or enum; otherwise, returns null
public static boolean areSameDeclaredTypes( t1, t2)
This is needed because class Type.ClassType
does not override equals.
- the first type to testt2
- the second type to testpublic static boolean areSamePrimitiveTypes(TypeMirror left, TypeMirror right)
- a typeright
- a typepublic static boolean isObject(TypeMirror type)
- the typepublic static boolean isClass(TypeMirror type)
- the typepublic static boolean isString(TypeMirror type)
- the typepublic static boolean isBooleanType(TypeMirror type)
- the type to testpublic static boolean isDeclaredOfName(TypeMirror type, CharSequence qualifiedName)
- the typepublic static boolean isBoxedPrimitive(TypeMirror type)
public static boolean isImmutableTypeInJdk(TypeMirror type)
This does not use immutability annotations and always returns false for user-defined classes.
public static boolean isThrowable(TypeMirror type)
public static boolean isAnonymous(TypeMirror type)
public static boolean isPrimitive(TypeMirror type)
public static boolean isPrimitiveOrBoxed(TypeMirror type)
- a typepublic static boolean isNumeric(TypeMirror type)
- a typepublic static boolean isNumericBoxed(TypeMirror type)
- a typepublic static boolean isIntegralPrimitive(TypeMirror type)
- a typepublic static boolean isIntegralPrimitiveOrBoxed(TypeMirror type)
- the type to inspectpublic static boolean isBoxOf(TypeMirror declaredType, TypeMirror primitiveType)
- a type that might be a boxed typeprimitiveType
- a type that might be a primitive typedeclaredType
is a box of primitiveType
public static boolean isBoxedFloating(TypeMirror type)
- type to testpublic static boolean isFloatingPrimitive(TypeMirror type)
- type mirrorpublic static boolean isFloatingPoint(TypeMirror type)
- the type to inspectpublic static boolean isClassType(TypeMirror type)
- a type that might be a class typepublic static boolean hasEnclosingType(TypeMirror type)
has an enclosing type.type
- type to checkertype
has an enclosing typepublic static boolean isFunctionalInterface(TypeMirror type, ProcessingEnvironment env)
is a functional interface type (as defined in JLS 9.8).type
- possible functional interface typeenv
- ProcessingEnvironmenttype
is a functional interface type (as defined in JLS 9.8)public static TypeMirror upperBound(TypeMirror type)
- a typepublic static @Nullable TypeParameterElement wildcardToTypeParam( wildcard)
otherwisepublic static wildUpperBound(TypeMirror tm, ProcessingEnvironment env)
public static wildLowerBound(TypeMirror tm, ProcessingEnvironment env)
public static @Nullable TypeMirror findConcreteUpperBound(TypeMirror boundedType)
if this type is an
unbounded wildcardpublic static boolean isErasedSubtype(TypeMirror subtype, TypeMirror supertype, Types types)
- possible subtypesupertype
- possible supertypetypes
- a Types objectpublic static boolean isCaptured(TypeMirror typeVar)
public static @Nullable WildcardType getCapturedWildcard(TypeVariable typeVar)
.public static TypeMirror leastUpperBound(TypeMirror tm1, TypeMirror tm2, ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv)
s, ignoring any annotations on the
Wrapper around Types.lub to add special handling for null types, primitives, and wildcards.
- a TypeMirror
- a TypeMirror
- the ProcessingEnvironment
to usetm1
and tm2
.public static TypeMirror greatestLowerBound(TypeMirror tm1, TypeMirror tm2, ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv)
s, ignoring any annotations on the
Wrapper around Types.glb to add special handling for null types, primitives, and wildcards.
- a TypeMirror
- a TypeMirror
- the ProcessingEnvironment
to usetm1
and tm2
.public static TypeMirror substituteMethodReturnType(Element methodElement, TypeMirror substitutedReceiverType, ProcessingEnvironment env)
- a methodsubstitutedReceiverType
- the receiver type, after substitutionenv
- the environmentpublic static TypeMirror asSuper(TypeMirror type, TypeMirror superType, ProcessingEnvironment env)
as superType
if superType
is a super type of type
; otherwise, null.type
as superType
if superType
is a super type of type
; otherwise, nullpublic static boolean isNarrower(PrimitiveType a, PrimitiveType b)
- a primitive typeb
- a primitive typea
is represented by fewer bits than b