Class Subsequence


public class Subsequence extends Object
Holds information from HasSubsequence annotations.
  • Field Details

    • array

      public final String array
      Name of the Subsequence.
    • from

      public final String from
      First index of the subsequence in the backing sequence.
    • to

      public final String to
      Last index of the subsequence in the backing sequence.
  • Method Details

    • getSubsequenceFromTree

      public static Subsequence getSubsequenceFromTree(Tree varTree, BaseAnnotatedTypeFactoryForIndexChecker factory)
      Returns a Subsequence representing the HasSubsequence annotation on the declaration of varTree or null if there is not such annotation.

      Note that this method does not standardize or viewpoint adapt the arguments to the annotation, unlike getSubsequenceFromReceiver.

      varTree - some tree
      factory - an AnnotatedTypeFactory
      null or a new Subsequence from the declaration of varTree
    • getSubsequenceFromReceiver

      public static @Nullable Subsequence getSubsequenceFromReceiver(JavaExpression expr, BaseAnnotatedTypeFactoryForIndexChecker factory)
      Returns a Subsequence representing the HasSubsequence annotation on the declaration of rec or null if there is not such annotation.
      expr - some tree
      factory - an AnnotatedTypeFactory
      null or a new Subsequence from the declaration of varTree
    • negateString

      public static String negateString(String s)
      Returns the additive inverse of the given String. That is, if the result of this method is some String s', then s + s' == 0 will evaluate to true. Note that this relies on the fact that the JavaExpression parser cannot parse multiplication, so it naively just changes '-' to '+' and vice-versa.
      s - a Java expression string
      the negated string
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object