See: Description
Interface | Description |
AnnotatedTypeFormatter |
Converts an AnnotatedTypeMirror mirror into a formatted string.
TypeHierarchy |
Compares AnnotatedTypeMirrors for subtype relationships.
Class | Description |
AnnotatedTypeCopier |
AnnotatedTypeCopier is a visitor that deep copies an AnnotatedTypeMirror exactly, including any
lazily initialized fields.
AnnotatedTypeFactory |
The methods of this class take an element or AST node, and return the annotated type as an
AnnotatedTypeMirror . |
AnnotatedTypeFactory.InheritedFromClassAnnotator |
A singleton utility class for pulling annotations down from a class type.
AnnotatedTypeMirror |
Represents an annotated type in the Java programming language.
AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedArrayType |
Represents Array types in java.
AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType |
Represents a declared type (whether class or interface).
AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType |
Represents a type of an executable.
AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedIntersectionType | |
AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedNoType |
A pseudo-type used where no actual type is appropriate.
AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedNullType |
Represents the null type.
AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedPrimitiveType |
Represents a primitive type.
AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedTypeVariable |
Represents a type variable.
AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedUnionType | |
AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedWildcardType |
Represents a wildcard type argument.
AnnotatedTypeParameterBounds | |
AnnotatedTypeReplacer |
Duplicates annotated types and replaces components according to a replacement map.
AnnotatedTypeReplacer.Visitor |
AnnotatedTypeCopier maintains a mapping of typeVisited ⇒ copyOfTypeVisited
When a reference, typeVisited, is encountered again, it will use the recorded reference,
copyOfTypeVisited, instead of generating a new copy of typeVisited.
AnnotationClassLoader |
This class assists the
AnnotatedTypeFactory by reflectively looking up the list of
annotation class names in each checker's qual directory, and then loading and returning it as a
set of annotation classes. |
AsSuperVisitor | |
BoundsInitializer |
BoundsInitializer creates AnnotatedTypeMirrors (without annotations) for the bounds of type
variables and wildcards.
DeclarationsIntoElements |
A helper class that puts the declaration annotations from a method declaration back into the
corresponding Elements, so that they get stored in the bytecode by the compiler.
DefaultAnnotatedTypeFormatter |
An AnnotatedTypeFormatter used by default by all AnnotatedTypeFactory (and therefore all
annotated types).
DefaultAnnotatedTypeFormatter.FormattingVisitor |
A scanning visitor that prints the entire AnnotatedTypeMirror passed to visit.
DefaultInferredTypesApplier |
Utility class for applying the annotations inferred by dataflow to a given type.
DefaultRawnessComparer |
Our //TODO: USING THE SAME LOGIC AS THE OLD TYPE_HIERARCHY.isSubtypeAsTypeArgument but only for
//TODO: RAW TypeArguments, we can replace this later if we think there is a more sensible thing
DefaultTypeHierarchy |
Default implementation of TypeHierarchy that implements the JLS specification with minor
deviations as outlined by the Checker Framework manual.
ElementAnnotationApplier |
Utility methods for adding the annotations that are stored in an Element to the type that
represents that element (or a use of that Element).
EqualityAtmComparer |
Compares two annotated type mirrors for structural equality using only the primary annotations
and underlying types of the two input types and their component types.
GeneralAnnotatedTypeFactory |
A "general" annotated type factory that supports qualifiers from any type hierarchy.
GenericAnnotatedTypeFactory<Value extends CFAbstractValue<Value>,Store extends CFAbstractStore<Value,Store>,TransferFunction extends CFAbstractTransfer<Value,Store,TransferFunction>,FlowAnalysis extends CFAbstractAnalysis<Value,Store,TransferFunction>> |
A factory that extends
AnnotatedTypeFactory to optionally use flow-sensitive qualifier
inference, qualifier polymorphism, implicit annotations via ImplicitFor , and
user-specified defaults via DefaultQualifier . |
HashcodeAtmVisitor |
Computes the hashcode of an AnnotatedTypeMirror using the underlying type and primary annotations
of the type and its component type.
QualifierHierarchy |
Represents a type qualifier hierarchy.
StructuralEqualityComparer |
A visitor used to compare two type mirrors for "structural" equality.
SyntheticArrays |
SyntheticArrays exists solely to fix AnnotatedTypeMirrors that need to be adapted from Array type
to a specific kind of array.
TypesIntoElements |
A helper class that puts the annotations from an AnnotatedTypeMirrors back into the corresponding
Elements, so that they get stored in the bytecode by the compiler.
TypeVariableSubstitutor |
TypeVariableSusbtitutor replaces type variables from a declaration with arguments to its use.
VisitorState |
Represents the state of a visitor.
Enum | Description |
GenericAnnotatedTypeFactory.ScanState |
Track the state of org.checkerframework.dataflow analysis scanning for each class tree in the
compilation unit.