Interface | Description |
AnnotationFormatter |
Converts AnnotationMirrors to Strings
For converting AnnotatedTypeMirrors:
BaseContext |
A collection of references to javac components.
CFContext |
A collection of references to various type checker components.
OptionConfiguration |
Provides methods for querying the Checker's options.
Class | Description |
AnnotatedTypes |
Utility methods for operating on
AnnotatedTypeMirror . |
AnnotationBuilder |
Builds an annotation mirror that may have some values.
CheckerDevelMain | |
CheckerMain |
This class functions essentially the same as the jsr308-langtools javac
script EXCEPT that it adds the appropriate jdk.jar to the bootclasspath and
adds checker.jar to the classpath passed to javac.
ComboLog |
Created by jburke on 6/12/14.
ConstructorReturnUtil |
Class to hold a utility method needed by TypeFromExpression and BaseTypeVisitor.
ContractsUtils |
A utility class to handle pre- and postconditions.
DefaultAnnotationFormatter |
A utility for converting AnnotationMirrors to Strings.
DependentTypes | |
ExecUtil | |
ExecUtil.Redirection | |
FlowExpressionParseUtil |
A collection of helper methods to parse a string that represents a restricted
Java expression.
FlowExpressionParseUtil.FlowExpressionContext |
Context used to parse a flow expression.
GraphQualifierHierarchy |
Represents the type qualifier hierarchy of a type system.
Heuristics |
Utilities for determining tree-based heuristics.
Heuristics.Matcher |
A convenience class for tree-matching algorithms.
Heuristics.Matchers | |
Heuristics.OfKind | |
Heuristics.OrMatcher | |
Heuristics.PreceededBy | |
Heuristics.WithIn | |
Heuristics.WithinTrueBranch | |
MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy |
Represents the type qualifier hierarchy of a type system.
MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy.MultiGraphFactory |
Factory used to create an instance of
GraphQualifierHierarchy . |
PluginUtil |
This file contains basic utility functions that should be reused to create
a command line call to CheckerMain.
PurityAnnotatedTypeFactory | |
PurityChecker |
Perform purity checking only.
QualifierPolymorphism |
Implements framework support for type qualifier polymorphism.
Resolver2 |
A Utility class to find symbols corresponding to string references
TODO: This class is only supposed to be used temporarily until a good solution for the MapGetHeuristic is found.
TreePathCacher |
TreePathCacher is a TreeScanner that creates and caches a TreePath for a target
TypeArgumentMapper |
Records any mapping between the type parameters of a subtype to the corresponding
type parameters of a supertype.
Enum | Description |
AtmCombo |
An enum representing the cartesian product of the set of AtmKinds with itself.
PluginUtil.CheckerProp |
Exception | Description |
FlowExpressionParseUtil.FlowExpressionParseException |
An exception that indicates a parse error.
Annotation Type | Description |
PurityUnqualified |
An annotation intended solely for representing an unqualified type in
the qualifier hierarchy for the Purity Checker