- A - Annotation Type in checkers.units.quals
- A - Static variable in class checkers.units.UnitsTools
- AbstractFlow<ST extends FlowState> - Class in checkers.flow
Provides a generalized flow-sensitive qualifier inference for the checkers
- AbstractFlow(BaseTypeChecker, CompilationUnitTree, Set<AnnotationMirror>, AnnotatedTypeFactory) - Constructor for class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
Creates a new analysis.
- AbstractTypeProcessor - Class in checkers.source
This class is an abstract annotation processor designed to be a
convenient superclass for concrete "type processors", processors that
require the type information in the processed source.
- AbstractTypeProcessor() - Constructor for class checkers.source.AbstractTypeProcessor
Constructor for subclasses to call.
- accept(AnnotatedTypeVisitor<R, P>, P) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
Applies a visitor to this type.
- accept(AnnotatedTypeVisitor<R, P>, P) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedArrayType
- accept(AnnotatedTypeVisitor<R, P>, P) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType
- accept(AnnotatedTypeVisitor<R, P>, P) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType
- accept(AnnotatedTypeVisitor<R, P>, P) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedNoType
- accept(AnnotatedTypeVisitor<R, P>, P) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedNullType
- accept(AnnotatedTypeVisitor<R, P>, P) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedPrimitiveType
- accept(AnnotatedTypeVisitor<R, P>, P) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedTypeVariable
- accept(AnnotatedTypeVisitor<R, P>, P) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedWildcardType
- actualType - Variable in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
Actual type wrapped with this AnnotatedTypeMirror
- actualType - Variable in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType
- addAbsoluteDefault(AnnotationMirror, Set<DefaultLocation>) - Method in class checkers.util.QualifierDefaults
Sets the default annotation.
- addAliasedAnnotation(Class<?>, AnnotationMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
Add the annotation clazz as an alias for the annotation type.
- addAnnotation(AnnotationMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
Adds an annotation to this type.
- addAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
Adds an annotation to this type.
- addAnnotations(Iterable<? extends AnnotationMirror>) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
Adds multiple annotations to this type.
- addFlowResult(Map<Tree, Set<AnnotationMirror>>, Tree, AnnotationMirror) - Static method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
- addPolyRelations(AnnotationUtils, QualifierHierarchy, Map<AnnotationMirror, Set<AnnotationMirror>>, Map<AnnotationMirror, AnnotationMirror>, Set<AnnotationMirror>, Set<AnnotationMirror>) - Method in class checkers.util.MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy
Add the relationships for polymorphic qualifiers.
- addQualifier(AnnotationMirror) - Method in class checkers.util.MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy.MultiGraphFactory
Adds the passed qualifier to the hierarchy.
- addStringPattern(String, AnnotationMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.TreeAnnotator
- addSubtype(AnnotationMirror, AnnotationMirror) - Method in class checkers.util.MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy.MultiGraphFactory
Adds a subtype relationship between the two type qualifiers.
- addTreeClass(Class<? extends Tree>, AnnotationMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.TreeAnnotator
- addTreeKind(Tree.Kind, AnnotationMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.TreeAnnotator
- ADVANCEDCHECKS_DEFAULT - Static variable in class checkers.nullness.NullnessSubchecker
- AggregateChecker - Class in checkers.source
An aggregate checker that packages multiple checkers together.
- AggregateChecker() - Constructor for class checkers.source.AggregateChecker
- aliasedAnnotation(AnnotationMirror) - Method in class checkers.lock.LockAnnotatedTypeFactory
- aliasedAnnotation(AnnotationMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
Returns the canonical annotation for the passed annotation if it is
an alias of a canonical one in the framework.
- aliasedAnnotation(AnnotationMirror) - Method in class checkers.units.UnitsAnnotatedTypeFactory
- alive - Variable in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
Stores the result of liveness analysis, required by the GEN-KILL analysis
for proper handling of jumps (break, return, throw, etc.).
- and(FlowState, QualifierHierarchy) - Method in class checkers.flow.DefaultFlowState
- and(FlowState, QualifierHierarchy) - Method in interface checkers.flow.FlowState
"And" the current state with an other state, modifying only the current state.
- and(FlowState, QualifierHierarchy) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessFlowState
- andlub(GenKillBits<AnnotationMirror>, GenKillBits<AnnotationMirror>, QualifierHierarchy) - Static method in class checkers.flow.GenKillBits
Merges each gen-kill set in outarg1 with the one corresponding to the
same key in arg2
via boolean "and" on each bit.
- annoFactory - Variable in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
The annotation factory to use for creating annotations.
- annoFactory - Variable in class checkers.util.MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy.MultiGraphFactory
- annoRelations - Variable in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
The hierarchy for the type qualifiers that this class infers.
- annos - Variable in class checkers.flow.DefaultFlowState
Tracks the annotated state of each variable during flow.
- annotate(AnnotatedTypeMirror, Element) - Static method in class checkers.types.TypeFromElement
Extracts type annotations from the element and inserts them into the
type of the element.
- annotate(Element, AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.util.QualifierDefaults
Applies default annotations to a type given an
- annotate(Tree, AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.util.QualifierDefaults
Applies default annotations to a type given a
- annotate(MethodInvocationTree, AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType) - Method in class checkers.util.QualifierPolymorphism
Resolves polymorphism annotations for the given type.
- annotate(NewClassTree, AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType) - Method in class checkers.util.QualifierPolymorphism
- annotateAsLub(AnnotatedTypeMirror, Collection<AnnotatedTypeMirror>) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypes
Annotate the lub type as if it is the least upper bound of the rest of
the types.
- AnnotatedTypeComparer<R extends @NonNull Object> - Class in checkers.types.visitors
A TypeVisitor that takes an AnnotatedTypeMirror as a parameter, and
visits it simultaneously.
- AnnotatedTypeComparer() - Constructor for class checkers.types.visitors.AnnotatedTypeComparer
- AnnotatedTypeFactory - Class in checkers.types
The methods of this class take an element or AST node, and return the
annotated type as an
- AnnotatedTypeFactory(SourceChecker, QualifierHierarchy, CompilationUnitTree) - Constructor for class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
- AnnotatedTypeFactory.InheritedFromClassAnnotator - Class in checkers.types
A singleton utility class for pulling annotations down from a class
- AnnotatedTypeMirror - Class in checkers.types
Represents an annotated type in the Java programming language.
- AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedArrayType - Class in checkers.types
Represents Array types in java.
- AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType - Class in checkers.types
Represents a declared type (whether class or interface).
- AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType - Class in checkers.types
Represents a type of an executable.
- AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedNoType - Class in checkers.types
A pseudo-type used where no actual type is appropriate.
- AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedNullType - Class in checkers.types
Represents the null type.
- AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedPrimitiveType - Class in checkers.types
Represents a primitive type.
- AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedReferenceType - Interface in checkers.types
- AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedTypeVariable - Class in checkers.types
Represents a type variable.
- AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedWildcardType - Class in checkers.types
Represents a wildcard type argument.
- AnnotatedTypes - Class in checkers.types
Utility methods for operating on AnnotatedTypeMirror
- AnnotatedTypes(ProcessingEnvironment, AnnotatedTypeFactory) - Constructor for class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypes
Constructor for AnnotatedTypes
- AnnotatedTypeScanner<R extends @NonNull Object,P extends @NonNull Object> - Class in checkers.types.visitors
A TypeVisitor that visits all the child tree nodes.
- AnnotatedTypeScanner() - Constructor for class checkers.types.visitors.AnnotatedTypeScanner
- AnnotatedTypeVisitor<R extends @NonNull Object,P extends @NonNull Object> - Interface in checkers.types.visitors
A Visitor class of annotated types, in the style of the visitor
design pattern.
- annotateImplicit(Element, AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.interning.InterningAnnotatedTypeFactory
- annotateImplicit(Tree, AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.javari.JavariAnnotatedTypeFactory
Adds implicit annotations to a qualified type, based on its
tree, as follows:
- annotateImplicit(Iterable<? extends Tree>, Iterable<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror>) - Method in class checkers.javari.JavariAnnotatedTypeFactory
Convenience method for annotating two corresponding iterables.
- annotateImplicit(Element, AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.javari.JavariAnnotatedTypeFactory
Adds annotations to qualified types according to their provided
element, as follows:
- annotateImplicit(Element, AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.linear.LinearAnnotatedTypeFactory
Case 1: type of class declaration
- annotateImplicit(Tree, AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.lock.LockAnnotatedTypeFactory
- annotateImplicit(Element, AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessAnnotatedTypeFactory
- annotateImplicit(Tree, AnnotatedTypeMirror, boolean) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessAnnotatedTypeFactory
- annotateImplicit(Tree, AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
Adds implicit annotations to a type obtained from a
- annotateImplicit(Element, AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
Adds implicit annotations to a type obtained from a
- annotateImplicit(Tree, AnnotatedTypeMirror, boolean) - Method in class checkers.types.BasicAnnotatedTypeFactory
- annotateImplicit(Tree, AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.BasicAnnotatedTypeFactory
- annotateImplicit(Element, AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.BasicAnnotatedTypeFactory
- annotateInheritedFromClass(AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
Adds annotations to the type based on the annotations from its class
type if and only if no annotations are already present on the type.
- annotateSupers(List<AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType>, TypeElement) - Static method in class checkers.types.TypeFromElement
- annotateTypeElement(TypeElement, AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.util.QualifierDefaults
- annotationFactory - Variable in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
The factory to use for lazily creating annotations.
- annotationName(AnnotationMirror) - Static method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils
- annotationOrdering() - Static method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils
- annotations - Variable in class checkers.flow.DefaultFlowState
The annotations (qualifiers) to infer.
- annotations - Variable in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
The factory to use for creating annotations.
- annotations - Variable in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
The annotations on this type.
- AnnotationsCounter - Class in checkers.util.count
An annotation processor for counting the occurrences of annotations.
- AnnotationsCounter() - Constructor for class checkers.util.count.AnnotationsCounter
- annotationsFromArrayCreation(NewArrayTree, int) - Static method in class checkers.util.InternalUtils
- annotationsFromTree(AnnotatedTypeTree) - Static method in class checkers.util.InternalUtils
- annotationsFromTree(TypeParameterTree) - Static method in class checkers.util.InternalUtils
- annotationsFromTypeAnnotationTrees(List<? extends AnnotationTree>) - Static method in class checkers.util.InternalUtils
- AnnotationUtils - Class in checkers.util
A utility class for working with annotations.
- AnnotationUtils.AnnotationBuilder - Class in checkers.util
Builds an annotation mirror that may have some values.
- AnnotationUtils.AnnotationBuilder(ProcessingEnvironment, Class<? extends Annotation>) - Constructor for class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils.AnnotationBuilder
- AnnotationUtils.AnnotationBuilder(ProcessingEnvironment, CharSequence) - Constructor for class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils.AnnotationBuilder
- AnnotationUtils.AnnotationBuilder(ProcessingEnvironment, AnnotationMirror) - Constructor for class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils.AnnotationBuilder
- annoTypes - Variable in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
utilities class for annotated types
- Area - Annotation Type in checkers.units.quals
Units of areas.
- areSame(AnnotatedTypeMirror, AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypes
- areSame(AnnotationMirror, AnnotationMirror) - Static method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils
Checks if both annotations are the same.
- areSame(Collection<AnnotationMirror>, Collection<AnnotationMirror>) - Static method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils
Checks that two collections contain the same annotations.
- areSameIgnoringValues(AnnotationMirror, AnnotationMirror) - Static method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils
- asMemberOf(AnnotatedTypeMirror, ExecutableElement) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypes
- asMemberOf(AnnotatedTypeMirror, Element) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypes
Returns the type of an element when that element is viewed as a member
of, or otherwise directly contained by, a given type.
- asRegex(String) - Static method in class checkers.regex.RegexUtil
Returns the argument as a @Regex String
if it is a regex,
otherwise throws an error.
- asRegex(String, int) - Static method in class checkers.regex.RegexUtil
Returns the argument as a @Regex(groups) String
if it is a regex
with at least the given number of groups, otherwise throws an error.
- assertDiagnostics(List<Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject>>, File, String) - Method in class checkers.util.test.CheckerTest
Compares the result of the compiler against a list of errors in a file.
- assertDiagnostics(String, List<Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject>>, List<String>, String) - Method in class checkers.util.test.CheckerTest
Compares the result of the compiler against an array of Strings.
- assertFailure(TestRun) - Method in class checkers.util.test.CheckerTest
Asserts that the test compilation did not complete successfully.
- AssertNonNullAfter - Annotation Type in checkers.nullness.quals
Indicates that if the method terminates successfully, the value expressions
are non-null.
- AssertNonNullIfFalse - Annotation Type in checkers.nullness.quals
Indicates that if the method returns false, then the value expressions
are non-null.
- AssertNonNullIfNonNull - Annotation Type in checkers.nullness.quals
Indicates that if the method returns a non-null value, then the value
expressions are also non-null.
- AssertNonNullIfTrue - Annotation Type in checkers.nullness.quals
Indicates that if the method returns true, then the value expressions
are non-null.
- assertNotBuilt() - Method in class checkers.util.MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy.MultiGraphFactory
- AssertParametersNonNull - Annotation Type in checkers.nullness.quals
Indicates that the method throws an exception if any of its
parameters is null
- assertSuccess(TestRun) - Method in class checkers.util.test.CheckerTest
Asserts that the test compilation completed without failures or
- Assignable - Annotation Type in checkers.igj.quals
Indicates the annotated Field
may be re-assigned regardless of the
immutability of the enclosing class or object instance.
- ASSIGNABLE - Variable in class checkers.javari.JavariChecker
- Assignable - Annotation Type in checkers.javari.quals
Indicates that a field is assignable, even if it is inside a
- Assignable - Annotation Type in checkers.oigj.quals
Indicates the annotated Field
may be re-assigned regardless of the
immutability of the enclosing class or object instance.
- assignedTo(TreePath) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypes
Returns the annotated type that the leaf of path is assigned to, if it
is within an assignment context
Returns the annotated type that the method invocation at the leaf
is assigned to.
- ASSIGNS_FIELDS - Variable in class checkers.igj.IGJChecker
Supported annotations for IGJ.
- ASSIGNS_FIELDS - Variable in class checkers.oigj.ImmutabilitySubchecker
Supported annotations for IGJ.
- AssignsFields - Annotation Type in checkers.igj.quals
Indicates that the annotated method could assigns (but not mutate) the fields
of this
- AssignsFields - Annotation Type in checkers.oigj.quals
Indicates that the annotated method could assigns (but not mutate) the fields
of this
- asSuper(AnnotatedTypeMirror, AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypes
Returns the most specific base type of t
whose erasure type
is superType
- atypeFactory - Variable in class checkers.source.SourceVisitor
The factory to use for obtaining "parsed" version of annotations.
- atypes - Variable in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
Utility class for operations on annotated types.
- atypes - Variable in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
Utility class for manipulating annotated types.
- AwtAlphaCompositingRule - Annotation Type in checkers.fenum.quals
Basic alpha compositing rules for combining source and
destination colors to achieve blending and transparency
effects with graphics and images (see
for more details).
- AwtColorSpace - Annotation Type in checkers.fenum.quals
Color space tags to identify the specific color space of a Color
object or, via a ColorModel object, of an Image, a BufferedImage,
or a GraphicsDevice (see
more details).
- AwtCursorType - Annotation Type in checkers.fenum.quals
- AwtFlowLayout - Annotation Type in checkers.fenum.quals
Line alignments in a flow layout (see
for more details).
- C - Annotation Type in checkers.units.quals
Degree Celsius.
- C - Static variable in class checkers.units.UnitsTools
- canHaveAnnotatedTypeParameters() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
For an annotated type parameter or wildcard (e.g.
- castNonNull(T) - Static method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessUtils
A method that suppresses warnings from the Nullness Checker.
- castNonNullDeep(T[]) - Static method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessUtils
- castNonNullDeep(T[][]) - Static method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessUtils
- castNonNullDeep(T[][][]) - Static method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessUtils
- castNonNullDeep(T[][][][]) - Static method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessUtils
- castNonNullDeep(T[][][][][]) - Static method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessUtils
- cd - Annotation Type in checkers.units.quals
- cd - Static variable in class checkers.units.UnitsTools
- checkAccess(IdentifierTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
- checkArguments(List<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror>, List<? extends ExpressionTree>) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
A helper method to check that each passed argument is a subtype of the
corresponding required argument, and issues "argument.invalid" error
for each passed argument that not a subtype of the required one.
- checkArguments(List<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror>, List<? extends ExpressionTree>) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
- checkArrayInitialization(AnnotatedTypeMirror, List<? extends ExpressionTree>) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
- checkAssignability(AnnotatedTypeMirror, Tree) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
Tests, for a re-assignment, whether the variable is assignable or not.
- checkAssignability(AnnotatedTypeMirror, Tree) - Method in class checkers.javari.JavariVisitor
Checks whether the variable represented by the given type and
tree can be assigned, causing a checker error otherwise.
- checkConstructorInvocation(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType, AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType, Tree) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
- checkConstructorInvocation(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType, AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType, Tree) - Method in class checkers.fenum.FenumVisitor
- checkConstructorInvocation(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType, AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType, Tree) - Method in class checkers.igj.IGJVisitor
- checkDefaultConstructor(ClassTree) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
- checkDefaultConstructor(ClassTree) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessVisitor
- checker - Variable in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
The checker corresponding to this visitor.
- checker - Variable in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
The checker to which this instance belongs.
- checker - Variable in class checkers.source.SourceVisitor
- checker - Variable in class checkers.types.BasicAnnotatedTypeFactory
The type checker to use.
- checker - Variable in class checkers.types.TypeHierarchy
The type checker to use.
- checker - Variable in class checkers.util.MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy.MultiGraphFactory
- checkerDir - Variable in class checkers.util.test.CheckerTest
The relative path to the directory containing test inputs.
- CheckerMain - Class in checkers.util
The main class for the Checkers when using the binary distribution, that
delegates the compilation invocation to javac.
- CheckerMain() - Constructor for class checkers.util.CheckerMain
- CheckerMain.CLibrary - Interface in checkers.util
Helper class to invoke the libc system() native call
Using the system() native call, rather than Runtime.exec(), to handle
IO "redirection"
- checkerName - Variable in class checkers.util.test.CheckerTest
The fully-qualified class name of the checker to use for tests.
- checkerOptions - Variable in class checkers.util.test.CheckerTest
Extra options to pass to javac when running the checker.
- CheckerParameterized - Class in checkers.util.test
The custom runner Parameterized
implements parameterized tests.
- CheckerParameterized(Class<?>) - Constructor for class checkers.util.test.CheckerParameterized
Only called reflectively.
- CheckerParameterized.Name - Annotation Type in checkers.util.test
- checkers - Variable in class checkers.source.AggregateChecker
- checkers.basetype - package checkers.basetype
Contains a simple typechecker plug-in that performs assignment and
pseudo-assignment checks on annotated types.
- checkers.basic - package checkers.basic
- checkers.compilermsgs - package checkers.compilermsgs
- checkers.compilermsgs.quals - package checkers.compilermsgs.quals
- checkers.fenum - package checkers.fenum
- checkers.fenum.quals - package checkers.fenum.quals
- checkers.flow - package checkers.flow
Contains a generalized flow-sensitive qualifier inference that can be
employed by any checker.
- checkers.i18n - package checkers.i18n
- checkers.i18n.quals - package checkers.i18n.quals
- checkers.igj - package checkers.igj
Provides a typechecker plug-in for the IGJ
qualifiers that finds (and verifies the absence of) immutability errors.
- checkers.igj.quals - package checkers.igj.quals
Contains qualifiers for type annotations used by the IGJ checker.
- checkers.interning - package checkers.interning
Provides a typechecker plug-in for the
qualifier that finds (and verifies the absence of) equality-testing and
interning errors.
- checkers.interning.quals - package checkers.interning.quals
- checkers.javari - package checkers.javari
Provides a typechecker plug-in for the Javari type system that finds (and
verifies the absence of) immutability errors.
- checkers.javari.quals - package checkers.javari.quals
- checkers.linear - package checkers.linear
- checkers.linear.quals - package checkers.linear.quals
- checkers.lock - package checkers.lock
- checkers.lock.quals - package checkers.lock.quals
- checkers.nullness - package checkers.nullness
Provides a typechecker plug-in for the
qualifier that finds (and verifies the absence of) null pointer errors.
- checkers.nullness.quals - package checkers.nullness.quals
- checkers.oigj - package checkers.oigj
- checkers.oigj.quals - package checkers.oigj.quals
- checkers.propkey - package checkers.propkey
- checkers.propkey.quals - package checkers.propkey.quals
- checkers.quals - package checkers.quals
Contains the basic annotations to be used by all type systems
and meta-annotations to qualify annotations (qualifiers).
- checkers.regex - package checkers.regex
- checkers.regex.quals - package checkers.regex.quals
- checkers.signature - package checkers.signature
- checkers.signature.quals - package checkers.signature.quals
- checkers.source - package checkers.source
Contains the essential functionality for interfacing a compile-time (source)
typechecker plug-in to the Java compiler.
- checkers.tainting - package checkers.tainting
- checkers.tainting.quals - package checkers.tainting.quals
- checkers.types - package checkers.types
Contains a way of representing the type of a program element that considers
the type qualifiers on that element (and ignores its Java type).
- checkers.types.visitors - package checkers.types.visitors
- checkers.units - package checkers.units
- checkers.units.quals - package checkers.units.quals
- checkers.util - package checkers.util
- checkers.util.count - package checkers.util.count
- checkers.util.debug - package checkers.util.debug
- checkers.util.report - package checkers.util.report
- checkers.util.report.quals - package checkers.util.report.quals
- checkers.util.test - package checkers.util.test
- checkers.util.trees - package checkers.util.trees
- CheckerTest - Class in checkers.util.test
Abstract class for testing a checker in the Checker Framework.
- CheckerTest(String, String, String...) - Constructor for class checkers.util.test.CheckerTest
Creates a new checker test.
- checkForAnnotatedJdk() - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
Warn if the annotated JDK is not being used.
- checkForRedundantTests(BinaryTree) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessVisitor
- checkMethodInvocability(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType, MethodInvocationTree) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
Tests whether the method can be invoked using the receiver of the 'node'
method invocation, and issues a "method.invocation.invalid" if the
invocation is invalid.
- checkMethodInvocability(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType, MethodInvocationTree) - Method in class checkers.linear.LinearVisitor
Linear Checker does not contain a rule for method invocation.
- checkMethodInvocability(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType, MethodInvocationTree) - Method in class checkers.lock.LockVisitor
- checkMethodInvocability(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType, MethodInvocationTree) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessVisitor
Special casing NonNull and Raw method calls
- checkOverride(MethodTree, AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType, AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType, AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType, Void) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
Checks that an overriding method's return type, parameter types, and
receiver type are correct with respect to the annotations on the
overridden method's return type, parameter types, and receiver type.
- checkOverride(MethodTree, AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType, AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType, AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType, Void) - Method in class checkers.lock.LockVisitor
- checkOverride(MethodTree, AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType, AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType, AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType, Void) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessVisitor
Ensure that also the method post-condition annotations (like @AssertNonNullAfter) are
overridden consistently: at least the same fields have to be listed in the overriding method.
- checkTestResult(TestRun, File, boolean, String) - Method in class checkers.util.test.CheckerTest
- checkTestResult(TestRun, List<String>, boolean, String) - Method in class checkers.util.test.CheckerTest
- checkTypeArguments(Tree, List<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedTypeVariable>, List<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror>, List<? extends Tree>) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
Checks that the annotations on the type arguments supplied to a type or a
method invocation are within the bounds of the type variables as
declared, and issues the "generic.argument.invalid" error if they are
- checkTypecastRedundancy(TypeCastTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
- checkTypecastSafety(TypeCastTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
- ClassGetName - Annotation Type in checkers.signature.quals
- classTreeKinds() - Static method in class checkers.util.TreeUtils
- clear(K, int) - Method in class checkers.flow.GenKillBits
Clears the bit (kill) for the key at the specified index.
- clearAnnotations() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
Removes all annotations on this type.
- clearInAll(int) - Method in class checkers.flow.GenKillBits
For all keys, clear the bit at the given index.
- clearOnCall(MethodTree, ExecutableElement) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
Clear whatever part of the state that gets invalidated by
invoking the method.
- clearOnCall(MethodTree, ExecutableElement) - Method in class checkers.flow.DefaultFlow
- CollectionToArrayHeuristics - Class in checkers.nullness
Handles calls to
and determines
the appropriate nullness type of the returned value.
- CollectionToArrayHeuristics(ProcessingEnvironment, NullnessAnnotatedTypeFactory) - Constructor for class checkers.nullness.CollectionToArrayHeuristics
- commonAssignmentCheck(Tree, ExpressionTree, String) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
Checks the validity of an assignment (or pseudo-assignment) from a value
to a variable and emits an error message (through the compiler's
messaging interface) if it is not valid.
- commonAssignmentCheck(AnnotatedTypeMirror, ExpressionTree, String) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
Checks the validity of an assignment (or pseudo-assignment) from a value
to a variable and emits an error message (through the compiler's
messaging interface) if it is not valid.
- commonAssignmentCheck(AnnotatedTypeMirror, AnnotatedTypeMirror, Tree, String) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
Checks the validity of an assignment (or pseudo-assignment) from a value
to a variable and emits an error message (through the compiler's
messaging interface) if it is not valid.
- commonAssignmentCheck(Tree, ExpressionTree, String) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessVisitor
- compileAndCheck(Iterable<? extends JavaFileObject>, String, String[]) - Static method in class checkers.util.test.TestInput
- CompilerMessageKey - Annotation Type in checkers.compilermsgs.quals
The annotation to distinguish compiler message Strings from
normal Strings.
- CompilerMessagesAnnotatedTypeFactory - Class in checkers.compilermsgs
A PropertyKeyATF that uses CompilerMessageKey to annotate the keys.
- CompilerMessagesAnnotatedTypeFactory(CompilerMessagesChecker, CompilationUnitTree) - Constructor for class checkers.compilermsgs.CompilerMessagesAnnotatedTypeFactory
- CompilerMessagesChecker - Class in checkers.compilermsgs
A PropertyKeyChecker for the compiler message keys that are used
in the Checker framework.
- CompilerMessagesChecker() - Constructor for class checkers.compilermsgs.CompilerMessagesChecker
- constructor(NewClassTree) - Static method in class checkers.util.InternalUtils
Determines the symbol for a constructor given an invocation via
- constructorFromUse(NewClassTree) - Method in class checkers.javari.JavariAnnotatedTypeFactory
Determines the type of the constructed object based on the
parameters passed to the constructor.
- constructorFromUse(NewClassTree) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessAnnotatedTypeFactory
- constructorFromUse(NewClassTree) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
- constructorFromUse(NewClassTree) - Method in class checkers.types.BasicAnnotatedTypeFactory
- contains(K) - Method in class checkers.flow.GenKillBits
- containsKey(Tree, Collection<String>) - Static method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
- containsModifier(AnnotatedTypeMirror, AnnotationMirror) - Static method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypes
Checks whether type contains the given modifier, also recursively in type arguments and arrays.
- containsSame(Collection<AnnotationMirror>, AnnotationMirror) - Static method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils
Checks that the collection contains the annotation.
- containsSameIgnoringValues(Collection<AnnotationMirror>, AnnotationMirror) - Static method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils
Checks that the collection contains the annotation ignoring values.
- containsThisConstructorInvocation(MethodTree) - Static method in class checkers.util.TreeUtils
- containsTypeAnnotation(Collection<? extends AnnotationMirror>) - Static method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypes
- copy() - Method in class checkers.flow.DefaultFlowState
- copy() - Method in interface checkers.flow.FlowState
Deeply copy the state of the current flow state.
- copy(GenKillBits<K>) - Static method in class checkers.flow.GenKillBits
- copy() - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessFlowState
- copyFields(AnnotatedTypeMirror, boolean) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
Copy the fields on this type onto the passed type.
- copyState(ST) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
Copy the current state.
- Covariant - Annotation Type in checkers.nullness.quals
A marker annotation, written on a class declaration, that signifies that
one or more of the class's type parameters can be treated covariantly.
- createAnnotationMap() - Static method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils
- createAnnotationSet() - Static method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils
- createFactory(CompilationUnitTree) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeChecker
Constructs an instance of the appropriate type factory for the
implemented type system.
- createFactory(CompilationUnitTree) - Method in class checkers.basic.BasicChecker
- createFactory(CompilationUnitTree) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessSubchecker
- createFactory(CompilationUnitTree) - Method in class checkers.signature.SignatureChecker
- createFactory(CompilationUnitTree) - Method in class checkers.source.SourceChecker
- createFlow(LinearChecker, CompilationUnitTree, Set<AnnotationMirror>) - Method in class checkers.linear.LinearAnnotatedTypeFactory
- createFlow(NullnessSubchecker, CompilationUnitTree, Set<AnnotationMirror>) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessAnnotatedTypeFactory
- createFlow(RegexChecker, CompilationUnitTree, Set<AnnotationMirror>) - Method in class checkers.regex.RegexAnnotatedTypeFactory
- createFlow(Checker, CompilationUnitTree, Set<AnnotationMirror>) - Method in class checkers.types.BasicAnnotatedTypeFactory
Returns a
instance that performs flow sensitive analysis
to infer qualifiers on unqualified types.
- createFlowQualifiers(IGJChecker) - Method in class checkers.igj.IGJAnnotatedTypeFactory
- createFlowQualifiers(NullnessSubchecker) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessAnnotatedTypeFactory
- createFlowQualifiers(ImmutabilitySubchecker) - Method in class checkers.oigj.ImmutabilityAnnotatedTypeFactory
- createFlowQualifiers(Checker) - Method in class checkers.types.BasicAnnotatedTypeFactory
Returns the set of annotations to be inferred in flow analysis
- createFlowState(Set<AnnotationMirror>) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
Create the correct instance of FlowState.
- createFlowState(Set<AnnotationMirror>) - Method in class checkers.flow.DefaultFlow
- createFlowState(Set<AnnotationMirror>) - Method in class checkers.flow.DefaultFlowState
- createFlowState(Set<AnnotationMirror>) - Method in interface checkers.flow.FlowState
Create a new instance of the current flow state class.
- createFlowState(Set<AnnotationMirror>) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessFlowState
- createLRUCache(int) - Static method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
A Utility method for creating LRU cache
- createQualifierHierarchy(MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy.MultiGraphFactory) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeChecker
Factory method to easily change what QualifierHierarchy is
- createQualifierHierarchy() - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeChecker
Returns the type qualifier hierarchy graph to be used by this processor.
- createQualifierHierarchy(MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy.MultiGraphFactory) - Method in class checkers.fenum.FenumChecker
- createQualifierHierarchy(MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy.MultiGraphFactory) - Method in class checkers.igj.IGJChecker
- createQualifierHierarchy(MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy.MultiGraphFactory) - Method in class checkers.lock.LockChecker
- createQualifierHierarchy(MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy.MultiGraphFactory) - Method in class checkers.nullness.KeyForSubchecker
- createQualifierHierarchy(MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy.MultiGraphFactory) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessSubchecker
- createQualifierHierarchy(MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy.MultiGraphFactory) - Method in class checkers.propkey.PropertyKeyChecker
- createQualifierHierarchy(MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy.MultiGraphFactory) - Method in class checkers.regex.RegexChecker
Gets a TypeMirror for the given class name.
- createQualifierHierarchy(MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy.MultiGraphFactory) - Method in class checkers.units.UnitsChecker
- createQualifierHierarchy() - Method in class checkers.util.MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy.MultiGraphFactory
- createQualifierHierarchyFactory() - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeChecker
Factory method to easily change what Factory is used to
create a QualifierHierarchy.
- createQualifierHierarchyFactory() - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessSubchecker
- createSourceVisitor(CompilationUnitTree) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeChecker
Returns the appropriate visitor that type checks the compilation unit
according to the type system rules.
- createSourceVisitor(CompilationUnitTree) - Method in class checkers.source.SourceChecker
Provides the
that the checker should use to scan
input source trees.
- createSourceVisitor(CompilationUnitTree) - Method in class checkers.util.count.Locations
- createSourceVisitor(CompilationUnitTree) - Method in class checkers.util.debug.TreeDebug
- createSupportedTypeQualifiers() - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeChecker
If the checker class is annotated with
, return an immutable set with the same set
of classes as the annotation.
- createSupportedTypeQualifiers() - Method in class checkers.basic.BasicChecker
- createSupportedTypeQualifiers() - Method in class checkers.fenum.FenumChecker
Copied from BasicChecker.
- createSupportedTypeQualifiers() - Method in class checkers.units.UnitsChecker
Copied from BasicChecker and adapted "quals" to "units".
- createTreeAnnotator(CompilerMessagesChecker) - Method in class checkers.compilermsgs.CompilerMessagesAnnotatedTypeFactory
- createTreeAnnotator(I18nSubchecker) - Method in class checkers.i18n.I18nAnnotatedTypeFactory
- createTreeAnnotator(LocalizableKeyChecker) - Method in class checkers.i18n.LocalizableKeyAnnotatedTypeFactory
- createTreeAnnotator(IGJChecker) - Method in class checkers.igj.IGJAnnotatedTypeFactory
- createTreeAnnotator(InterningChecker) - Method in class checkers.interning.InterningAnnotatedTypeFactory
- createTreeAnnotator(NullnessSubchecker) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessAnnotatedTypeFactory
- createTreeAnnotator(ImmutabilitySubchecker) - Method in class checkers.oigj.ImmutabilityAnnotatedTypeFactory
- createTreeAnnotator(Checker) - Method in class checkers.propkey.PropertyKeyAnnotatedTypeFactory
- createTreeAnnotator(RegexChecker) - Method in class checkers.regex.RegexAnnotatedTypeFactory
- createTreeAnnotator(Checker) - Method in class checkers.types.BasicAnnotatedTypeFactory
Returns a
that adds annotations to a type based
on the contents of a tree.
- createTreeAnnotator(UnitsChecker) - Method in class checkers.units.UnitsAnnotatedTypeFactory
- createType(TypeMirror, ProcessingEnvironment, AnnotatedTypeFactory) - Static method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
Creates the appropriate AnnotatedTypeMirror specific wrapper for the
provided type
- createTypeAnnotator(IGJChecker) - Method in class checkers.igj.IGJAnnotatedTypeFactory
- createTypeAnnotator(InterningChecker) - Method in class checkers.interning.InterningAnnotatedTypeFactory
- createTypeAnnotator(NullnessSubchecker) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessAnnotatedTypeFactory
- createTypeAnnotator(ImmutabilitySubchecker) - Method in class checkers.oigj.ImmutabilityAnnotatedTypeFactory
- createTypeAnnotator(OwnershipSubchecker) - Method in class checkers.oigj.OwnershipAnnotatedTypeFactory
- createTypeAnnotator(Checker) - Method in class checkers.types.BasicAnnotatedTypeFactory
Returns a
that adds annotations to a type based
on the content of the type itself.
- createTypeHierarchy() - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeChecker
Creates the type subtyping checker using the current type qualifier
- createTypeHierarchy() - Method in class checkers.igj.IGJChecker
- createTypeHierarchy() - Method in class checkers.javari.JavariChecker
Implements the
behavior on generic types,
creating a new
class that allows a
comparison of type arguments to succeed if the left hand side
is annotated with
or if the regular
comparison succeeds.
- createTypeHierarchy() - Method in class checkers.nullness.KeyForSubchecker
- createTypeHierarchy() - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessSubchecker
- createTypeHierarchy() - Method in class checkers.oigj.ImmutabilitySubchecker
- createTypeOfObject(AnnotatedTypeFactory) - Static method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
- createTypeValidator() - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
- createTypeValidator() - Method in class checkers.nullness.KeyForVisitor
The type validator to ensure correct usage of ownership modifiers.
- createTypeValidator() - Method in class checkers.util.report.ReportVisitor
- Current - Annotation Type in checkers.units.quals
Electric current.
- currentPath - Variable in class checkers.source.SourceChecker
- currentRoot - Variable in class checkers.source.SourceChecker
The source tree that's being scanned.
- element - Variable in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
the Element associated with this instance value, if one exists
- elementFromDeclaration(ClassTree) - Static method in class checkers.util.TreeUtils
Gets the element for a class corresponding to a declaration.
- elementFromDeclaration(MethodTree) - Static method in class checkers.util.TreeUtils
Gets the element for a method corresponding to a declaration.
- elementFromDeclaration(VariableTree) - Static method in class checkers.util.TreeUtils
Gets the element for a variable corresponding to its declaration.
- elementFromUse(ExpressionTree) - Static method in class checkers.util.TreeUtils
Gets the element for the declaration corresponding to this use of an element.
- elementFromUse(MethodInvocationTree) - Static method in class checkers.util.TreeUtils
- elementFromUse(NewClassTree) - Static method in class checkers.util.TreeUtils
- elements - Variable in class checkers.source.SourceVisitor
helper to use when scanning.
- elements - Variable in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
Utility class for working with
- ElementUtils - Class in checkers.util
A Utility class for analyzing Element
- elementValue(AnnotationMirror, CharSequence, Class<T>) - Static method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils
Get the attribute with the name name
of the annotation
- elementValueArray(AnnotationMirror, CharSequence) - Static method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils
Get the attribute with the name name
of the annotation
, where the attribute has an array type.
- elementValueArrayWithDefaults(AnnotationMirror, CharSequence) - Static method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils
Get the attribute with the name name
of the annotation
, or the default value if no attribute is present explicitly,
where the attribute has an array type.
- elementValueClassName(AnnotationMirror, CharSequence) - Static method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils
name is an annotation field of type Class, and this gives its name.
- elementValueEnumArrayWithDefaults(AnnotationMirror, CharSequence, Class<T>) - Static method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils
Get the attribute with the name name
of the annotation
, or the default value if no attribute is present explicitly,
where the attribute has an array type and the elements are Enum
- elementValueWithDefaults(AnnotationMirror, CharSequence, Class<T>) - Static method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils
Get the attribute with the name name
of the annotation
, or the default value if no attribute is present explicitly.
- EmptyProcessor - Class in checkers.util.debug
Empty simple processor.
- EmptyProcessor() - Constructor for class checkers.util.debug.EmptyProcessor
- enclosedJavaTestFiles(File) - Static method in class checkers.util.test.TestUtilities
Returns all the java files that are direct children of the given
- enclosingClass(Element) - Static method in class checkers.util.ElementUtils
Returns the innermost type element enclosing the given element
- enclosingClass(TreePath) - Static method in class checkers.util.TreeUtils
Gets the enclosing class of the tree node defined by the given
{@link TreePath}
- enclosingMemberSelect() - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
- enclosingMethod(TreePath) - Static method in class checkers.util.TreeUtils
Gets the enclosing method of the tree node defined by the given
{@link TreePath}
- enclosingOfClass(TreePath, Class<T>) - Static method in class checkers.util.TreeUtils
Gets the first enclosing tree in path, of the specified class
- enclosingOfKind(TreePath, Tree.Kind) - Static method in class checkers.util.TreeUtils
Gets the first enclosing tree in path, of the specified kind.
- enclosingOfKind(TreePath, Set<Tree.Kind>) - Static method in class checkers.util.TreeUtils
Gets the first enclosing tree in path, with any one of the specified kinds.
- enclosingPackage(Element) - Static method in class checkers.util.ElementUtils
Returns the innermost package element enclosing the given element.
- enclosingStatement(Tree) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
- enclosingTopLevelBlock(TreePath) - Static method in class checkers.util.TreeUtils
- enclosingType - Variable in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
The enclosing Type
- enclosingVariable(TreePath) - Static method in class checkers.util.TreeUtils
Gets the enclosing variable of a tree node defined by the given
- env - Variable in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
The processing environment to use for accessing compiler internals.
- env - Variable in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
Processing Environment of the current round
- equals(Object) - Method in class checkers.source.Result.DiagMessage
- equals(Object) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
- equals(Object) - Method in class checkers.util.Pair
- errorAbort(String) - Static method in class checkers.source.SourceChecker
Log an error message and abort processing.
- errorAbort(String, Throwable) - Static method in class checkers.source.SourceChecker
- expandVarArgs(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType, List<? extends ExpressionTree>) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypes
Returns the method parameters for the invoked method, with the same number
of arguments passed in the methodInvocation tree.
- expectedDiagnostics(File) - Static method in class checkers.util.test.TestUtilities
- expectedDiagnostics(String, String[]) - Static method in class checkers.util.test.TestUtilities
- expectedDiagnostics(String, File[]) - Static method in class checkers.util.test.TestUtilities
- factory - Variable in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
Utility class for determining annotated types.
- failure(String, Object...) - Static method in class checkers.source.Result
Creates a new failure result with the given message key.
- FENUM - Variable in class checkers.fenum.FenumChecker
- Fenum - Annotation Type in checkers.fenum.quals
A generic fake enumeration qualifier that is parameterized by a name.
- FenumAnnotatedTypeFactory - Class in checkers.fenum
- FenumAnnotatedTypeFactory(FenumChecker, CompilationUnitTree) - Constructor for class checkers.fenum.FenumAnnotatedTypeFactory
- FenumChecker - Class in checkers.fenum
The main checker class for the fake enum checker.
- FenumChecker() - Constructor for class checkers.fenum.FenumChecker
- FenumChecker.FenumQualifierHierarchy - Class in checkers.fenum
- FenumChecker.FenumQualifierHierarchy(MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy.MultiGraphFactory) - Constructor for class checkers.fenum.FenumChecker.FenumQualifierHierarchy
- FenumTop - Annotation Type in checkers.fenum.quals
The top of the fake enumeration type hierarchy.
- FenumUnqualified - Annotation Type in checkers.fenum.quals
An unqualified type.
- FenumVisitor - Class in checkers.fenum
- FenumVisitor(FenumChecker, CompilationUnitTree) - Constructor for class checkers.fenum.FenumVisitor
- FieldDescriptor - Annotation Type in checkers.signature.quals
- FieldDescriptorForArray - Annotation Type in checkers.signature.quals
- findBottoms(Map<AnnotationMirror, Set<AnnotationMirror>>) - Method in class checkers.util.MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy
Infer the bottoms of the subtype hierarchy.
- findCorrespondingAnnotation(AnnotationMirror, Set<AnnotationMirror>) - Method in class checkers.types.QualifierHierarchy
- findDefaultLocations(TreePath) - Method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils
Finds default annotations starting at the leaf of the given tree path by
inspecting enclosing variable, method, and class declarations for
- findDefaultLocations(Element) - Method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils
Finds default annotations starting at the given element, inspecting the
element and its enclosing method and class declarations for
- findElement(CharSequence) - Method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils.AnnotationBuilder
- findFieldInType(TypeElement, String) - Static method in class checkers.util.ElementUtils
Returns the field of the class
- findFieldsInType(TypeElement, Collection<String>) - Static method in class checkers.util.ElementUtils
- findPathJar(Class<?>) - Static method in class checkers.util.CheckerMain
Find the jar file containing the annotated JDK (i.e.
- findTops(Map<AnnotationMirror, Set<AnnotationMirror>>) - Method in class checkers.util.MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy
Infer the tops of the subtype hierarchy.
- findTypeArguments(ExpressionTree) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypes
Given a method or constructor invocation, return a mapping
of the type variables to their type arguments, if any exist.
- findVariable(String, TreePath) - Method in class checkers.util.Resolver
Finds the variable referenced in the passed String
- finish(AnnotationUtils, QualifierHierarchy, Map<AnnotationMirror, Set<AnnotationMirror>>, Map<AnnotationMirror, AnnotationMirror>, Set<AnnotationMirror>, Set<AnnotationMirror>, Object...) - Method in class checkers.util.GraphQualifierHierarchy
- finish(AnnotationUtils, QualifierHierarchy, Map<AnnotationMirror, Set<AnnotationMirror>>, Map<AnnotationMirror, AnnotationMirror>, Set<AnnotationMirror>, Set<AnnotationMirror>, Object...) - Method in class checkers.util.MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy
Method to finalize the qualifier hierarchy before it becomes unmodifiable.
- first - Variable in class checkers.util.Pair
- firstStatement(Tree) - Static method in class checkers.util.TreeUtils
- Flow - Interface in checkers.flow
Interface for a generalized flow-sensitive qualifier inference for the checkers
- flow - Variable in class checkers.types.BasicAnnotatedTypeFactory
Flow sensitive instance
- FLOW_BY_DEFAULT - Static variable in class checkers.types.BasicAnnotatedTypeFactory
should use flow by default
- flowResults - Variable in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
Stores the results of the analysis (source location to qualifier).
- flowState - Variable in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
Tracks the state of the inference.
- FlowState - Interface in checkers.flow
The state that is managed by a flow inference implementation.
- flowState_whenFalse - Variable in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
Tracks the state of the inference in a false branch.
- flowState_whenTrue - Variable in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
Tracks the state of the inference in a true branch.
- formatAnnotationString(ProcessingEnvironment, Collection<? extends AnnotationMirror>, boolean) - Static method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
- formatStackTrace(StackTraceElement[]) - Method in class checkers.source.SourceChecker
- fromCelsiusToKelvin(int) - Static method in class checkers.units.UnitsTools
- fromClass(ClassTree) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
Determines the annotated type of a class from its declaration.
- fromClass(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils
- fromElement(Element) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
Determines the annotated type of an element.
- fromElement(TypeElement) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
- fromElement(ExecutableElement) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
- fromExpression(ExpressionTree) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
Determines the annotated type of an expression.
- fromGramToKiloGram(int) - Static method in class checkers.units.UnitsTools
- fromHourToMinute(int) - Static method in class checkers.units.UnitsTools
- fromKelvinToCelsius(int) - Static method in class checkers.units.UnitsTools
- fromKiloGramToGram(int) - Static method in class checkers.units.UnitsTools
- fromKiloMeterToMeter(int) - Static method in class checkers.units.UnitsTools
- fromMember(Tree) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
Determines the annotated type of a variable or method declaration.
- fromMeterToKiloMeter(int) - Static method in class checkers.units.UnitsTools
- fromMeterToMilliMeter(int) - Static method in class checkers.units.UnitsTools
- fromMilliMeterToMeter(int) - Static method in class checkers.units.UnitsTools
- fromMinuteToHour(int) - Static method in class checkers.units.UnitsTools
- fromMinuteToSecond(int) - Static method in class checkers.units.UnitsTools
- fromName(CharSequence) - Method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils
- fromName(String) - Method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils
- fromNewClass(NewClassTree) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
- fromSecondToMinute(int) - Static method in class checkers.units.UnitsTools
- fromTreeCache - Variable in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
Mapping from a Tree to its annotated type; before implicits are applied,
just what the programmer wrote.
- fromTypeTree(Tree) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
Determines the annotated type from a type in tree form.
- fullMessageOf(String, String) - Method in class checkers.source.SourceChecker
Returns the localized long message corresponding for this key, and
returns the defValue if no localized message is found.
- FullyQualifiedName - Annotation Type in checkers.signature.quals
- g - Annotation Type in checkers.units.quals
- g - Static variable in class checkers.units.UnitsTools
- GeneralAnnotatedTypeFactory - Class in checkers.types
A "general" annotated type factory that supports qualifiers from any type hierarchy.
- GeneralAnnotatedTypeFactory(SourceChecker, CompilationUnitTree) - Constructor for class checkers.types.GeneralAnnotatedTypeFactory
- GenKillBits<K extends @NonNull Object> - Class in checkers.flow
Maintains multiple gen-kill sets, "keyed" by a value.
- GenKillBits(Collection<K>) - Constructor for class checkers.flow.GenKillBits
Creates a new
with the specified set of keys.
- GenKillBits(GenKillBits<K>) - Constructor for class checkers.flow.GenKillBits
- get(K, int) - Method in class checkers.flow.GenKillBits
Retrieves the bit for the key at the specified index.
- getAnnotatedType(Element) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
- getAnnotatedType(Tree) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
Determines the annotated type of an AST node.
- getAnnotatedType(ClassTree) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
- getAnnotatedType(NewClassTree) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
- getAnnotatedType(NewArrayTree) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
- getAnnotatedType(MethodTree) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
- getAnnotatedType(TypeElement) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
- getAnnotatedType(ExecutableElement) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
- getAnnotatedTypeFromTypeTree(Tree) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
Determines the annotated type from a type in tree form.
- getAnnotatedTypes(List<AnnotatedTypeMirror>, List<? extends ExpressionTree>) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypes
Return a list of the AnnotatedTypeMirror of the passed
expression trees, in the same order as the trees.
- getAnnotation(String) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
Returns the actual annotation mirror used to annotate this type,
whose name equals the passed annotationName if one exists, null otherwise.
- getAnnotation(Name) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
Returns the actual annotation mirror used to annotate this type,
whose name equals the passed annotationName if one exists, null otherwise.
- getAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
Returns the actual annotation mirror used to annotate this type,
whose name equals the passed annotationName if one exists, null otherwise.
- getAnnotationInHierarchy(AnnotationMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
Returns an annotation from the given sub-hierarchy, if such
an annotation targets this type; otherwise returns null.
- getAnnotations() - Method in class checkers.flow.DefaultFlowState
- getAnnotations() - Method in interface checkers.flow.FlowState
The current set of annotations that can be inferred.
- getAnnotations() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
Returns the annotations on this type.
- getArgs() - Method in class checkers.source.Result.DiagMessage
- getArrayDepth(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedArrayType) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypes
Returns the depth of the array type of the provided array.
- getAssignmentContext() - Method in class checkers.types.VisitorState
- getAssignmentContext(TreePath) - Static method in class checkers.util.TreeUtils
Returns the tree with the assignment context for the treePath
leaf node.
- getBottomAnnotation(AnnotationMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.QualifierHierarchy
Return the bottom for the given qualifier, that is, the qualifier that is a
subtype of start but no further subtypes exist.
- getBottomAnnotation(AnnotationMirror) - Method in class checkers.util.MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy
- getBottomAnnotations() - Method in class checkers.types.QualifierHierarchy
- getBottomAnnotations() - Method in class checkers.util.GraphQualifierHierarchy
- getBottomAnnotations() - Method in class checkers.util.MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy
- getBoxedType(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedPrimitiveType) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
returns the annotated boxed type of the given primitive type.
- getChildren() - Method in class checkers.util.test.CheckerParameterized
- getClassTree() - Method in class checkers.types.VisitorState
- getClassType() - Method in class checkers.types.VisitorState
- getComponentType() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedArrayType
- getCopy(boolean) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedArrayType
- getCopy(boolean) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType
- getCopy(boolean) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType
- getCopy(boolean) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedNoType
- getCopy(boolean) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedNullType
- getCopy(boolean) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedPrimitiveType
- getCopy(boolean) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedTypeVariable
- getCopy(boolean) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedWildcardType
- getCopy(boolean) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
Returns a shallow copy of this type.
- getCurrentClassTree(Tree) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
Returns the current class type being visited by the visitor.
- getCurrentClassType(Tree) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
- getCurrentMethodReceiver(Tree) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
Returns the receiver type of the current method being visited, and
returns null if the visited tree is not within a method.
- getDeclAnnotation(Element, Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
Returns the actual annotation mirror used to annotate this type,
whose name equals the passed annotationName if one exists, null otherwise.
- getDefaultedAnnotatedType(Tree) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
Get the defaulted type of a variable, without considering
flow inference from the initializer expression.
- getDefaultedAnnotatedType(Tree) - Method in class checkers.types.BasicAnnotatedTypeFactory
- getDiagMessages() - Method in class checkers.source.Result
- getDiagnostics() - Method in class checkers.util.test.TestRun
- getEffectiveAnnotations() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedTypeVariable
- getEffectiveAnnotations() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedWildcardType
- getEffectiveAnnotations() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
Returns the "effective" annotations on this type, i.e.
- getEffectiveExtendsBound() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedWildcardType
- getEffectiveExtendsBoundAnnotations() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedWildcardType
- getEffectiveLowerBound() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedTypeVariable
- getEffectiveSuperBound() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedWildcardType
- getEffectiveUpperBound() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedTypeVariable
- getElement() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType
- getElement() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
Returns the element associated with the value the type represent, if any.
- getElementValuesWithDefaults(AnnotationMirror) - Static method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils
Returns the values of an annotation's elements, including defaults.
- getEnclosingType(TypeElement, Tree) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessAnnotatedTypeFactory
- getEnclosingType(TypeElement, Tree) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
Determine the type of the most enclosing class of the given tree that
is a subtype of the given element.
- getEnclosingType() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
Returns the enclosing type, as in the type of A
in the type
- getErased() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedArrayType
- getErased() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType
- getErased() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType
- getErased() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedTypeVariable
- getErased() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedWildcardType
- getErased() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
Returns the erasure type of the this type, according to JLS
- getExcludes() - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessFlowConditions
- getExplicitAnnotations() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
Returns the set of explicitly written annotations supported by this checker.
- getExplicitNonnullElements() - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessFlowConditions
- getExplicitNullableElements() - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessFlowConditions
- getExtendsBound() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedWildcardType
- getExtendsBoundField() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedWildcardType
- getField(String, String, ProcessingEnvironment) - Static method in class checkers.util.TreeUtils
Returns the VariableElement for a field declaration.
- getGroupCount(AnnotationMirror) - Method in class checkers.regex.RegexChecker
Returns the group count value of the given annotation or 0 if
there's a problem getting the group count value.
- getGroupCount(String) - Method in class checkers.regex.RegexChecker
Returns the number of groups in the given regex String.
- getHeldLock() - Method in class checkers.lock.LockAnnotatedTypeFactory
- getImplicitReceiverType(ExpressionTree) - Method in class checkers.igj.IGJAnnotatedTypeFactory
- getImplicitReceiverType(ExpressionTree) - Method in class checkers.oigj.ImmutabilityAnnotatedTypeFactory
- getImplicitReceiverType(ExpressionTree) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
Return the implicit receiver type of an expression tree.
- getInstance(ProcessingEnvironment) - Static method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils
- getIteratedType(AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypes
Returns the iterated type of the passed iterable type, and throws
if the passed type is not iterable.
- getKind() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
Returns the kind
of this type
- getLintOption(String) - Method in class checkers.source.SourceChecker
Determines the value of the lint option with the given name.
- getLintOption(String, boolean) - Method in class checkers.source.SourceChecker
Determines the value of the lint option with the given name.
- getLookupKeys() - Method in class checkers.propkey.PropertyKeyChecker
Returns a set of the valid keys that can be used.
- getLowerBound() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedTypeVariable
- getLowerBoundField() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedTypeVariable
Get the lower bound field directly, bypassing any lazy initialization.
- getMessageKey() - Method in class checkers.source.Result.DiagMessage
- getMessageKeys() - Method in class checkers.source.Result
- getMessages() - Method in class checkers.source.SourceChecker
Provides a mapping of error keys to custom error messages.
- getMethod(String, String, int, ProcessingEnvironment) - Static method in class checkers.util.TreeUtils
Returns the ExecutableElement for a method declaration of
methodName, in class typeName, with params parameters.
- getMethodReceiver() - Method in class checkers.types.VisitorState
- getMethodTree() - Method in class checkers.types.VisitorState
- getNonnullElements() - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessFlowConditions
- getNonnullExpressions() - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessFlowConditions
- getNullableElements() - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessFlowConditions
- getNullableExpressions() - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessFlowConditions
- getOutput() - Method in class checkers.util.test.TestRun
- getParameterTypes() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType
- getPath(Tree) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
Gets the path for the given
under the current root by
checking from the visitor's current path, and only using
Trees.getPath(CompilationUnitTree, Tree)
(which is much slower)
only if
is not found on the current path.
- getPath() - Method in class checkers.types.VisitorState
- getPolymorphicAnnotation(AnnotationMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.QualifierHierarchy
- getPolymorphicAnnotation(AnnotationMirror) - Method in class checkers.util.MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy
- getPolymorphicQualifier(AnnotationMirror) - Static method in class checkers.util.QualifierPolymorphism
- getPolymorphicQualifierTop(AnnotationMirror) - Static method in class checkers.util.QualifierPolymorphism
- getProcessingEnvironment() - Method in class checkers.source.SourceChecker
- getProperties(Class<?>, String) - Method in class checkers.source.SourceChecker
A helper function to parse a Properties file
- getQualifiedClassName(Element) - Static method in class checkers.util.ElementUtils
Returns the qualified name of the inner most class enclosing
the provided Element
- getQualifiedName(DeclaredType) - Static method in class checkers.util.TypesUtils
Gets the fully qualified name for a provided type.
- getQualifierHierarchy() - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeChecker
Returns the type qualifier hierarchy graph to be used by this processor.
- getQualifierHierarchy() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
- getReceiverTree(ExpressionTree) - Static method in class checkers.util.TreeUtils
Returns the receiver tree of a field access or a method invocation
- getReceiverType(ExpressionTree) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
Returns the receiver type of the expression tree, or null if it does not exist.
- getReceiverType() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType
- getResult() - Method in class checkers.util.test.TestRun
- getReturnType() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType
- getSelfType(Tree) - Method in class checkers.igj.IGJAnnotatedTypeFactory
Returns the type of field this
, for the scope of this tree.
- getSelfType(Tree) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessAnnotatedTypeFactory
- getSelfType(Tree) - Method in class checkers.oigj.ImmutabilityAnnotatedTypeFactory
Returns the type of field this
, for the scope of this tree.
- getSelfType(Tree) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
Returns the type of this
in the current location, which can
be used if this
has a special semantics (e.g.
- getSuperBound() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedWildcardType
- getSuperBoundField() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedWildcardType
- getSuperTypes(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypes
Returns all the super types of the given declared type.
- getSuperTypes(TypeElement) - Static method in class checkers.util.ElementUtils
Determine all type elements for the classes and interfaces referenced
in the extends/implements clauses of the given type element.
- getSupportedAnnotationTypes() - Method in class checkers.source.AggregateChecker
- getSupportedAnnotationTypes() - Method in class checkers.source.SourceChecker
Always returns a singleton set containing only "*".
- getSupportedCheckers() - Method in class checkers.i18n.I18nChecker
- getSupportedCheckers() - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessChecker
- getSupportedCheckers() - Method in class checkers.oigj.OIGJChecker
- getSupportedCheckers() - Method in class checkers.source.AggregateChecker
Returns the list of supported checkers to be run together.
- getSupportedLintOptions() - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeChecker
Specify 'flow' and 'cast' as supported lint options for all Type checkers.
- getSupportedLintOptions() - Method in class checkers.source.SourceChecker
Returns the lint options recognized by this checker.
- getSupportedOptions() - Method in class checkers.source.AggregateChecker
- getSupportedOptions() - Method in class checkers.source.SourceChecker
- getSupportedSourceVersion() - Method in class checkers.source.AggregateChecker
- getSupportedSourceVersion() - Method in class checkers.source.SourceChecker
- getSupportedSourceVersion() - Method in class checkers.util.debug.EmptyProcessor
- getSupportedTypeQualifiers() - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeChecker
Returns an immutable set of the type qualifiers supported by this
- getSuppressWarningsKey() - Method in class checkers.basic.BasicChecker
- getSuppressWarningsKey() - Method in class checkers.fenum.FenumChecker
Copied from BasicChecker; cannot reuse it, because BasicChecker is final.
- getSuppressWarningsKey() - Method in class checkers.nullness.RawnessSubchecker
- getSuppressWarningsKey() - Method in class checkers.source.SourceChecker
- getSuppressWarningsKey() - Method in class checkers.units.UnitsChecker
Copied from BasicChecker; cannot reuse it, because BasicChecker is final.
- getTest(String...) - Method in class checkers.util.test.CheckerTest
Compiles and returns a TestRun.
- getTest(File...) - Method in class checkers.util.test.CheckerTest
Compiles and returns a TestRun.
- getThrownTypes() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType
- getTopAnnotation(AnnotationMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.QualifierHierarchy
Return the top qualifier for the given qualifier, that is, the qualifier
that is a supertype of start but no further supertypes exist.
- getTopAnnotation(AnnotationMirror) - Method in class checkers.util.MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy
- getTopAnnotations() - Method in class checkers.types.QualifierHierarchy
- getTopAnnotations() - Method in class checkers.util.GraphQualifierHierarchy
Returns the top qualifier for this hierarchy.
- getTopAnnotations() - Method in class checkers.util.MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy
- getTreeResults() - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessFlowConditions
- getType(Element) - Static method in class checkers.util.ElementUtils
Returns the TypeMirror
for usage of Element as a value.
- getTypeArguments() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType
- getTypeHierarchy() - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeChecker
- getTypeQualifiers() - Method in class checkers.types.QualifierHierarchy
Returns the names of all type qualifiers in this type qualifier
- getTypeQualifiers() - Method in class checkers.util.MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy
- getTypeVariables() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType
- getUnboxedType(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType) - Method in class checkers.interning.InterningAnnotatedTypeFactory
- getUnboxedType(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
returns the annotated primitive type of the given declared type
if it is a boxed declared type.
- getUnderlyingType() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedArrayType
- getUnderlyingType() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType
- getUnderlyingType() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType
- getUnderlyingType() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedNoType
- getUnderlyingType() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedNullType
- getUnderlyingType() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedPrimitiveType
- getUnderlyingType() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedTypeVariable
- getUnderlyingType() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedWildcardType
- getUnderlyingType() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
Returns the underlying unannotated Java type, which this wraps
- getUninitializedFields(ClassTree, List<? extends AnnotationMirror>) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessVisitor
- getUpperBound() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedTypeVariable
Get the upper bound of the type variable, possibly lazily initializing it.
- getUpperBoundField() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedTypeVariable
Get the upper bound field directly, bypassing any lazy initialization.
- getVerboseName(Element) - Static method in class checkers.util.ElementUtils
Returns a verbose name that identifies the element.
- getVisitorState() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
Returns the VisitorState instance used by the factory to infer types
- GraphQualifierHierarchy - Class in checkers.util
Represents the type qualifier hierarchy of a type system.
- GraphQualifierHierarchy(MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy.MultiGraphFactory, AnnotationMirror) - Constructor for class checkers.util.GraphQualifierHierarchy
- greatestLowerBound(AnnotationMirror, AnnotationMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.QualifierHierarchy
Returns the greatest lower bound for the qualifiers a1 and a2.
- greatestLowerBound(AnnotationMirror, AnnotationMirror) - Method in class checkers.util.MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy
- greatestLowerBounds(Collection<AnnotationMirror>, Collection<AnnotationMirror>) - Method in class checkers.types.QualifierHierarchy
Returns the type qualifiers that are the greatest lower bound of
the qualifiers in annos1 and annos2.
- GUARDEDBY - Variable in class checkers.lock.LockChecker
- GuardedBy - Annotation Type in checkers.lock.quals
The field (or other reference) to which this annotation is applied can only be accessed
when holding a particular lock, which may be a built-in (synchronization) lock,
or may be an explicit
- I - Variable in class checkers.igj.IGJChecker
Supported annotations for IGJ.
- I - Annotation Type in checkers.igj.quals
Template annotation over IGJ Immutability annotations.
- I - Variable in class checkers.oigj.ImmutabilitySubchecker
Supported annotations for IGJ.
- I - Annotation Type in checkers.oigj.quals
Template annotation over IGJ Immutability annotations.
- I18nAnnotatedTypeFactory - Class in checkers.i18n
- I18nAnnotatedTypeFactory(I18nSubchecker, CompilationUnitTree) - Constructor for class checkers.i18n.I18nAnnotatedTypeFactory
- I18nChecker - Class in checkers.i18n
A type-checker that enforces (and finds the violations of) two properties:
- Only localized output gets emitted to the user
- Only localizable keys (i.e.
- I18nChecker() - Constructor for class checkers.i18n.I18nChecker
- I18nSubchecker - Class in checkers.i18n
A type-checker that checks that only localized String
are visible
to the user.
- I18nSubchecker() - Constructor for class checkers.i18n.I18nSubchecker
- IGJAnnotatedTypeFactory - Class in checkers.igj
Adds implicit and default IGJ annotations, only if the user does not
annotate the type explicitly.
- IGJAnnotatedTypeFactory(IGJChecker, CompilationUnitTree) - Constructor for class checkers.igj.IGJAnnotatedTypeFactory
Constructor for IGJAnnotatedTypeFactory object.
- IGJChecker - Class in checkers.igj
A type-checker plug-in for the IGJ immutability type system that finds (and
verifies the absence of) undesired side-effect errors.
- IGJChecker() - Constructor for class checkers.igj.IGJChecker
- IGJVisitor - Class in checkers.igj
A type-checking visitor for the IGJ type
qualifier that uses the
- IGJVisitor(IGJChecker, CompilationUnitTree) - Constructor for class checkers.igj.IGJVisitor
- IMMUTABILITY_KEY - Static variable in class checkers.igj.IGJAnnotatedTypeFactory
annotation value key
- IMMUTABILITY_KEY - Static variable in class checkers.oigj.ImmutabilityAnnotatedTypeFactory
annotation value key
- ImmutabilityAnnotatedTypeFactory - Class in checkers.oigj
Adds implicit and default OIGJ annotations, only if the user does not
annotate the type explicitly.
- ImmutabilityAnnotatedTypeFactory(ImmutabilitySubchecker, CompilationUnitTree) - Constructor for class checkers.oigj.ImmutabilityAnnotatedTypeFactory
Constructor for IGJAnnotatedTypeFactory object.
- ImmutabilitySubchecker - Class in checkers.oigj
- ImmutabilitySubchecker() - Constructor for class checkers.oigj.ImmutabilitySubchecker
- ImmutabilityVisitor - Class in checkers.oigj
- ImmutabilityVisitor(ImmutabilitySubchecker, CompilationUnitTree) - Constructor for class checkers.oigj.ImmutabilityVisitor
- IMMUTABLE - Variable in class checkers.igj.IGJChecker
Supported annotations for IGJ.
- Immutable - Annotation Type in checkers.igj.quals
Indicates that the annotated reference is an immutable reference to an
immutable object.
- IMMUTABLE - Variable in class checkers.oigj.ImmutabilitySubchecker
Supported annotations for IGJ.
- Immutable - Annotation Type in checkers.oigj.quals
Indicates that the annotated reference is an immutable reference to an
immutable object.
- ImplicitFor - Annotation Type in checkers.quals
A meta-annotation that specifies the trees and types for which the framework
should automatically add that qualifier.
- incrementCount(Name) - Method in class checkers.util.count.AnnotationsCounter
- inferFromAssert(AssertTree, SourceChecker) - Static method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
Determine whether information should be inferred from the assert tree.
- init(ProcessingEnvironment) - Method in class checkers.source.AbstractTypeProcessor
Register a TaskListener that will get called after FLOW.
- init(ProcessingEnvironment) - Method in class checkers.source.AggregateChecker
- init(AnnotationUtils, ProcessingEnvironment) - Method in interface checkers.units.UnitsRelations
Initialize the object.
- init(AnnotationUtils, ProcessingEnvironment) - Method in class checkers.units.UnitsRelationsDefault
- initChecker() - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeChecker
- initChecker() - Method in class checkers.fenum.FenumChecker
- initChecker() - Method in class checkers.igj.IGJChecker
- initChecker() - Method in class checkers.javari.JavariChecker
Initializes the checker: calls init method on super class,
creates a local AnnotationFactory based on the processing
environment, and uses it to create the protected
AnnotationMirrors used through this checker.
- initChecker() - Method in class checkers.lock.LockChecker
- initChecker() - Method in class checkers.nullness.KeyForSubchecker
- initChecker() - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessSubchecker
- initChecker() - Method in class checkers.oigj.ImmutabilitySubchecker
- initChecker() - Method in class checkers.propkey.PropertyKeyChecker
- initChecker() - Method in class checkers.regex.RegexChecker
- initChecker() - Method in class checkers.source.SourceChecker
Initialize the checker.
- initChecker() - Method in class checkers.units.UnitsChecker
- initializedAfter(MethodTree) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessAnnotatedTypeFactory
- innerMostType(AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Static method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypes
- INSTANCE - Static variable in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory.InheritedFromClassAnnotator
The singleton instance.
- INSTANCE - Static variable in interface checkers.util.CheckerMain.CLibrary
- InternalUtils - Class in checkers.util
Static utility methods used by annotation abstractions in this package.
- Interned - Annotation Type in checkers.interning.quals
Indicates that a variable has been interned, i.e., that the variable refers
to the canonical representation of an object.
- InterningAnnotatedTypeFactory - Class in checkers.interning
- InterningAnnotatedTypeFactory(InterningChecker, CompilationUnitTree) - Constructor for class checkers.interning.InterningAnnotatedTypeFactory
- InterningChecker - Class in checkers.interning
A typechecker plug-in for the
qualifier that
finds (and verifies the absence of) equality-testing and interning errors.
- InterningChecker() - Constructor for class checkers.interning.InterningChecker
- InterningVisitor - Class in checkers.interning
- InterningVisitor(InterningChecker, CompilationUnitTree) - Constructor for class checkers.interning.InterningVisitor
Creates a new visitor for type-checking
- InvisibleQualifier - Annotation Type in checkers.quals
A meta-annotation indicating that the annotated annotation is a type
qualifier that should not be visible in output.
- invokeConstructorFor(String, Class<?>[], Object[]) - Static method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeChecker
Invokes the constructor belonging to the class
named by name
having the given parameter types on the given
- isAccessAllowed(Element, AnnotatedTypeMirror, ExpressionTree) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
- isAccessAllowed(Element, AnnotatedTypeMirror, ExpressionTree) - Method in class checkers.oigj.OwnershipVisitor
- isAnnotated() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
Returns true if an annotation targets this type location.
- isAnnotatedInHierarchy(AnnotationMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
Returns true if an annotation from the given sub-hierarchy targets this type.
- isAnonymousConstructor(MethodTree) - Static method in class checkers.util.InternalUtils
Determines whether or not the node referred to by the given
is an anonymous constructor (the constructor for an
anonymous class.
- isAnonymousType(AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypes
Determines if the type is for an anonymous type or not
- isAnonymousType(TypeMirror) - Static method in class checkers.util.TypesUtils
Checks if the type represents an anonymous type, e.g.
- isAnyEnclosingThisDeref(ExpressionTree) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
Does this expression have (the innermost or an outer) "this" as receiver?
Note that the receiver can be either explicit or implicit.
- isAssignable(AnnotatedTypeMirror, AnnotatedTypeMirror, Tree) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
Tests whether the variable accessed is an assignable variable or not,
given the current scope
TODO: document which parameters are nullable; e.g.
- isAssignable(AnnotatedTypeMirror, AnnotatedTypeMirror, Tree) - Method in class checkers.igj.IGJVisitor
Return true if the assignment variable is an assignable field or
variable, and returns false otherwise.
- isAssignable(AnnotatedTypeMirror, AnnotatedTypeMirror, Tree) - Method in class checkers.oigj.ImmutabilityVisitor
- isBoxedPrimitive(TypeMirror) - Static method in class checkers.util.TypesUtils
- isClass(TypeMirror) - Static method in class checkers.util.TypesUtils
Checks if the type represents a java.lang.Class declared type.
- isClassTree(Tree.Kind) - Static method in class checkers.util.TreeUtils
- isCompileTimeConstant(Element) - Static method in class checkers.util.ElementUtils
Returns true if the element is a constant time reference
- isCompileTimeString(ExpressionTree) - Static method in class checkers.util.TreeUtils
Returns true if the node is a constant-time expression.
- isConstructor(MethodTree) - Static method in class checkers.util.TreeUtils
Checks if the provided method is a constructor method or no.
- isDeclaredOfName(TypeMirror, CharSequence) - Static method in class checkers.util.TypesUtils
Check if the type represent a declared type of the given qualified name
- isDiamondTree(Tree) - Static method in class checkers.util.TreeUtils
Returns true if the tree is of a diamond type
- isEnumSuper(MethodInvocationTree) - Static method in class checkers.util.TreeUtils
- isError(Element) - Static method in class checkers.util.ElementUtils
- isExpressionTree(Tree) - Static method in class checkers.util.TreeUtils
Determine whether the given tree represents an ExpressionTree.
- isFailure() - Method in class checkers.source.Result
- isFieldAccess(Tree, VariableElement, ProcessingEnvironment) - Static method in class checkers.util.TreeUtils
Returns true if the given tree represents an access of the given VariableElement.
- isFinal(Element) - Static method in class checkers.util.ElementUtils
Returns true if the element is a final element: a final field, final
method, or final class
- isGeneric - Variable in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType
- isGeneric() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType
Returns true if the type is generic, even if the type is erased
or used as a RAW type.
- isIntersectType(AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypes
Determines if the type is for an intersect type or not
- isJavaFile(File) - Static method in class checkers.util.test.TestUtilities
Returns true if the file is a file ending with .java
- isJavaTestFile(File) - Static method in class checkers.util.test.TestUtilities
Checks if the given file is a java test file not to be ignored.
- isMethodInvocation(Tree, ExecutableElement, ProcessingEnvironment) - Static method in class checkers.util.TreeUtils
Returns true if the given element is an invocation of the method, or
of any method that overrides that one.
- isMethodTypeArgHack() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedWildcardType
- isMostEnclosingThisDeref(ExpressionTree) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
Determine whether the tree dereferences the most enclosing "this" object.
- isNonFinalField(Element) - Static method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
Tests whether the element is of a non-final field
- isNullPolyNull() - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessFlowConditions
- isObject(TypeElement) - Static method in class checkers.util.ElementUtils
Check if the element is an element for 'java.lang.Object'
- isObject(TypeMirror) - Static method in class checkers.util.TypesUtils
Checks if the type represents a java.lang.Object declared type.
- isParameterized() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType
Returns true if the type is a generic type and the type declaration
is parameterized.
- isPolyAll(AnnotationMirror) - Static method in class checkers.util.QualifierPolymorphism
- isPolymorphicQualified(AnnotationMirror) - Static method in class checkers.util.QualifierPolymorphism
- isPrimitive(ExpressionTree) - Static method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessVisitor
- isRegex(String) - Static method in class checkers.regex.RegexUtil
Returns true if the argument is a syntactically valid regular
- isRegex(String, int) - Static method in class checkers.regex.RegexUtil
Returns true if the argument is a syntactically valid regular
expression with at least the given number of groups.
- isRegex(char) - Static method in class checkers.regex.RegexUtil
Returns true if the argument is a syntactically valid regular
- isStatic(Element) - Static method in class checkers.util.ElementUtils
Returns true if the element is a static element: whether it is a static
field, static method, or static class
- isString(Types, TypeMirror, ExpressionTree) - Static method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessVisitor
- isString(TypeMirror) - Static method in class checkers.util.TypesUtils
Checks if the type represents a java.lang.String declared type.
- isStringCompoundConcatenation(CompoundAssignmentTree) - Static method in class checkers.util.TreeUtils
Returns true if the compound assignment tree is a string concatenation
- isStringConcatenation(Tree) - Static method in class checkers.util.TreeUtils
Returns true if the tree represents a String
- isSubtype(AnnotationMirror, AnnotationMirror) - Method in class checkers.fenum.FenumChecker.FenumQualifierHierarchy
- isSubtype(AnnotationMirror, AnnotationMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.QualifierHierarchy
Tests whether anno1 is a sub-qualifier of anno2, according to the
type qualifier hierarchy.
- isSubtype(Collection<AnnotationMirror>, Collection<AnnotationMirror>) - Method in class checkers.types.QualifierHierarchy
Tests whether there is any annotation in lhs that is a super qualifier
of some annotation in rhs.
- isSubtype(AnnotatedTypeMirror, AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.TypeHierarchy
Entry point for subtype checking:
Checks whether rhs is a subtype of lhs.
- isSubtype(AnnotationMirror, AnnotationMirror) - Method in class checkers.units.UnitsChecker.UnitsQualifierHierarchy
- isSubtype(Collection<AnnotationMirror>, Collection<AnnotationMirror>) - Method in class checkers.util.GraphQualifierHierarchy
- isSubtype(Collection<AnnotationMirror>, Collection<AnnotationMirror>) - Method in class checkers.util.MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy
- isSubtype(AnnotationMirror, AnnotationMirror) - Method in class checkers.util.MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy
Most qualifiers have no value fields.
- isSubtypeAsArrayComponent(AnnotatedTypeMirror, AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.TypeHierarchy
Checks that rhs is a subtype of lhs, as an array component type.
- isSubtypeAsTypeArgument(AnnotatedTypeMirror, AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.TypeHierarchy
Checks that rhs is a subtype of lhs, as actual type arguments.
- isSubtypeImpl(AnnotatedTypeMirror, AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.TypeHierarchy
Checks if the rhs is a subtype of the lhs.
- isSubtypeTypeArguments(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType, AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType) - Method in class checkers.types.TypeHierarchy
Checks that rhs and lhs are subtypes with respect to type arguments only.
- isSuccess() - Method in class checkers.source.Result
- isSuperCall(MethodInvocationTree) - Static method in class checkers.util.TreeUtils
Checks if the method invocation is a call to super.
- isSupportedQualifier(AnnotationMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
Determines whether the given annotation is a part of the type system
under which this type factory operates.
- isSupportedQualifier(AnnotationMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.GeneralAnnotatedTypeFactory
Return true to support any qualifier.
- isThrowable(TypeMirror) - Static method in class checkers.util.TypesUtils
- isTypeAnnotation(AnnotationMirror) - Static method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypes
- isUnboxingOperation(Types, TypeMirror, BinaryTree) - Static method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessVisitor
- isUnqualified(AnnotationMirror) - Static method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
- isUseOfElement(ExpressionTree) - Static method in class checkers.util.TreeUtils
Determine whether the given ExpressionTree has an underlying element.
- isValid - Variable in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor.TypeValidator
- isValidUse(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType, AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
Tests that the qualifiers present on the useType are valid qualifiers,
given the qualifiers on the declaration of the type, declarationType.
- isValidUse(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedPrimitiveType) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
Tests that the qualifiers present on the primitive type are valid.
- isValidUse(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedArrayType) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
Tests that the qualifiers present on the array type are valid.
- isValidUse(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType, AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType) - Method in class checkers.fenum.FenumVisitor
- isValidUse(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType, AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType) - Method in class checkers.igj.IGJVisitor
- isValidUse(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType, AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType) - Method in class checkers.javari.JavariVisitor
Always true; no type validity checking is made by the BaseTypeVisitor.
- isValidUse(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedPrimitiveType) - Method in class checkers.javari.JavariVisitor
- isValidUse(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType, AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType) - Method in class checkers.lock.LockVisitor
- isValidUse(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType, AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessVisitor
- isValidUse(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedPrimitiveType) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessVisitor
- isValidUse(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType, AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType) - Method in class checkers.nullness.RawnessVisitor
- isValidUse(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType, AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType) - Method in class checkers.oigj.ImmutabilityVisitor
- isValidUse(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType, AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType) - Method in class checkers.regex.RegexVisitor
- isValidUse(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedPrimitiveType) - Method in class checkers.regex.RegexVisitor
- isVarArgs() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType
- isVectorCopyInto(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
Returns true if the method symbol represents Vector.copyInto
- isWarning() - Method in class checkers.source.Result
- isWithinConstructor(Tree) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
- iterator() - Method in class checkers.util.test.TestRun
- Pair<V1 extends @NonNull Object,V2 extends @NonNull Object> - Class in checkers.util
Simple pair class for multiple returns.
- ParameterizedCheckerTest - Class in checkers.util.test
- ParameterizedCheckerTest(File, String, String, String...) - Constructor for class checkers.util.test.ParameterizedCheckerTest
- parseEnumConstantArrayValue(AnnotationMirror, String, Class<R>) - Static method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils
- parseEnumConstantValue(AnnotationMirror, String, Class<R>) - Static method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils
- parseStringArrayValue(AnnotationMirror, String) - Static method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils
- parseStringValue(AnnotationMirror, String) - Static method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils
- parseTree(String) - Method in class checkers.util.trees.TreeParser
Parses the snippet in the string as an internal Javac AST expression
- parseTypeValue(AnnotationMirror, String) - Static method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils
- PartialRegex - Annotation Type in checkers.regex.quals
Indicates a String that is not a syntactically valid regular expression.
- PARTIALREGEX - Variable in class checkers.regex.RegexChecker
- pathTillClass(TreePath) - Static method in class checkers.util.TreeUtils
Gets path to the the first enclosing class tree, where class is
defined by the classTreeKinds method.
- pathTillOfKind(TreePath, Tree.Kind) - Static method in class checkers.util.TreeUtils
Gets path to the the first enclosing tree of the specified kind.
- pathTillOfKind(TreePath, Set<Tree.Kind>) - Static method in class checkers.util.TreeUtils
Gets path to the the first enclosing tree with any one of the specified kinds.
- poly - Variable in class checkers.types.BasicAnnotatedTypeFactory
to handle any polymorphic types
- POLYALL - Variable in class checkers.nullness.NullnessAnnotatedTypeFactory
Represents the Nullness Checker qualifiers
- PolyAll - Annotation Type in checkers.quals
A polymorphic type qualifier that varies over all type hierarchies.
- PolyInterned - Annotation Type in checkers.interning.quals
A polymorphic qualifier for the Interning type system.
- PolymorphicQualifier - Annotation Type in checkers.quals
A meta-annotation that indicates that an annotation is a polymorphic type
- polymorphicQualifier - Variable in class checkers.util.MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy
Reference to the special qualifier checkers.quals.PolymorphicQualifier.
- POLYNULL - Variable in class checkers.nullness.NullnessAnnotatedTypeFactory
Represents the Nullness Checker qualifiers
- POLYNULL - Variable in class checkers.nullness.NullnessSubchecker
- PolyNull - Annotation Type in checkers.nullness.quals
A polymorphic qualifier for the Nullness type system.
- polyQualifiers - Variable in class checkers.util.MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy.MultiGraphFactory
Map from qualifier hierarchy to the corresponding polymorphic qualifier.
- polyQualifiers - Variable in class checkers.util.MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy
- polyQuals - Variable in class checkers.util.QualifierPolymorphism
The polymorphic qualifiers: mapping from the top of a qualifier
hierarchy to the polymorphic qualifier of that hierarchy.
- PolyRaw - Annotation Type in checkers.nullness.quals
A polymorphic qualifier for the Rawness type system.
- POLYREAD - Variable in class checkers.javari.JavariChecker
- PolyRead - Annotation Type in checkers.javari.quals
Specifies the allowed mutabilities of a method's return value or the arguments,
based on the mutability type of the arguments and the receiver at a method
- PolyRegex - Annotation Type in checkers.regex.quals
A polymorphic qualifier for the Regex type system.
- PolySignature - Annotation Type in checkers.signature.quals
A polymorphic qualifier for the Signature type system.
- PolyTainted - Annotation Type in checkers.tainting.quals
A polymorphic qualifier for the Tainting type system.
- postAsMemberOf(AnnotatedTypeMirror, AnnotatedTypeMirror, Element) - Method in class checkers.igj.IGJAnnotatedTypeFactory
Resolve the instances of @I
in the elementType
on owner
, according to is specification.
- postAsMemberOf(AnnotatedTypeMirror, AnnotatedTypeMirror, Element) - Method in class checkers.javari.JavariAnnotatedTypeFactory
We modify this callback method to replace @ThisMutable
implicit annotations with the qualified supertype annotation,
if the owner doesn't have a @ReadOnly
- postAsMemberOf(AnnotatedTypeMirror, AnnotatedTypeMirror, Element) - Method in class checkers.oigj.ImmutabilityAnnotatedTypeFactory
Resolve the instances of @I
in the elementType
on owner
, according to is specification.
- postAsMemberOf(AnnotatedTypeMirror, AnnotatedTypeMirror, Element) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
A callback method for the AnnotatedTypeFactory subtypes to customize
- postDirectSuperTypes(AnnotatedTypeMirror, List<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror>) - Method in class checkers.igj.IGJAnnotatedTypeFactory
Replace all instances of @I
in the super types with the
immutability of the current type
- postDirectSuperTypes(AnnotatedTypeMirror, List<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror>) - Method in class checkers.javari.JavariAnnotatedTypeFactory
- postDirectSuperTypes(AnnotatedTypeMirror, List<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror>) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessAnnotatedTypeFactory
- postDirectSuperTypes(AnnotatedTypeMirror, List<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror>) - Method in class checkers.oigj.ImmutabilityAnnotatedTypeFactory
Replace all instances of @I
in the super types with the
immutability of the current type
- postDirectSuperTypes(AnnotatedTypeMirror, List<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror>) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
A callback method for the AnnotatedTypeFactory subtypes to customize
- postDirectSuperTypes(AnnotatedTypeMirror, List<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror>) - Method in class checkers.types.BasicAnnotatedTypeFactory
- postInit() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
Actions that logically belong in the constructor, but need to run
after the subclass constructor has completed.
- postInit() - Method in class checkers.types.BasicAnnotatedTypeFactory
- preceededBy(Heuristics.Matcher) - Static method in class checkers.util.Heuristics.Matchers
- Prefix - Enum in checkers.units.quals
- PRIMITIVE - Variable in class checkers.nullness.NullnessAnnotatedTypeFactory
Represents the Nullness Checker qualifiers
- PRIMITIVE - Variable in class checkers.nullness.NullnessSubchecker
- Primitive - Annotation Type in checkers.nullness.quals
is a type annotation internally used for primitive types.
- printUsage() - Static method in class checkers.util.debug.SignaturePrinter
- process(Set<? extends TypeElement>, RoundEnvironment) - Method in class checkers.source.AbstractTypeProcessor
The use of this method is obsolete in type processors.
- process(Set<? extends TypeElement>, RoundEnvironment) - Method in class checkers.util.count.AnnotationsCounter
- process(Set<? extends TypeElement>, RoundEnvironment) - Method in class checkers.util.debug.EmptyProcessor
- process(Set<? extends TypeElement>, RoundEnvironment) - Method in class checkers.util.debug.TreeDebug
- propagate(Tree, ExpressionTree) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
Moves bits as assignments are made.
- propagate(Tree, ExpressionTree) - Method in class checkers.flow.DefaultFlow
- PropertyKey - Annotation Type in checkers.propkey.quals
Indicates that the String
type can be used as key in a
property file or resource bundle.
- PropertyKeyAnnotatedTypeFactory<Checker extends PropertyKeyChecker> - Class in checkers.propkey
This AnnotatedTypeFactory adds PropertyKey annotations to String literals
that contain values from lookupKeys.
- PropertyKeyAnnotatedTypeFactory(Checker, CompilationUnitTree) - Constructor for class checkers.propkey.PropertyKeyAnnotatedTypeFactory
- PropertyKeyAnnotatedTypeFactory.KeyLookupTreeAnnotator - Class in checkers.propkey
This TreeAnnotator checks for every String literal whether it is included in the lookup
- PropertyKeyAnnotatedTypeFactory.KeyLookupTreeAnnotator(BaseTypeChecker, BasicAnnotatedTypeFactory<?>, Class<? extends Annotation>) - Constructor for class checkers.propkey.PropertyKeyAnnotatedTypeFactory.KeyLookupTreeAnnotator
- PropertyKeyChecker - Class in checkers.propkey
A type-checker that checks that only valid keys are used to access property files
and resource bundles.
- PropertyKeyChecker() - Constructor for class checkers.propkey.PropertyKeyChecker
- Pure - Annotation Type in checkers.nullness.quals
Indicates that if the method is a pure method, so calling it
multiple times with the same arguments yields the same results.
- RAW - Variable in class checkers.nullness.NullnessAnnotatedTypeFactory
Represents the Nullness Checker qualifiers
- Raw - Annotation Type in checkers.nullness.quals
An annotation that indicates that the object may not be fully initialized.
- rawnesschecker - Variable in class checkers.nullness.NullnessSubchecker
- RawnessSubchecker - Class in checkers.nullness
A typechecker that is part of the Nullness type system.
- RawnessSubchecker() - Constructor for class checkers.nullness.RawnessSubchecker
- RawnessVisitor - Class in checkers.nullness
- RawnessVisitor(RawnessSubchecker, CompilationUnitTree) - Constructor for class checkers.nullness.RawnessVisitor
- READONLY - Variable in class checkers.igj.IGJChecker
Supported annotations for IGJ.
- ReadOnly - Annotation Type in checkers.igj.quals
Indicates that the annotated reference is a ReadOnly reference.
- READONLY - Variable in class checkers.javari.JavariChecker
- ReadOnly - Annotation Type in checkers.javari.quals
Indicates that, for the variable on which this annotation appears,
the object to which this variable refers will not be modified via
this reference, except its fields explicitly marked as
- READONLY - Variable in class checkers.oigj.ImmutabilitySubchecker
Supported annotations for IGJ.
- ReadOnly - Annotation Type in checkers.oigj.quals
Indicates that the annotated reference is a ReadOnly reference.
- recordBits(TreePath) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
Record the value of the annotation bit for the given usage of a
variable, so that a type-checker may use its value after the analysis
has finished.
- recordBitsImps(Tree, Element) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
- recordBitsImps(Tree, Element) - Method in class checkers.flow.DefaultFlow
- reduce(R, R) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.AnnotatedTypeScanner
- Regex - Annotation Type in checkers.regex.quals
For char, char[],
and subtypes of
indicates a valid regular expression and holds the number of groups in
the regular expression.
- REGEX - Variable in class checkers.regex.RegexChecker
- RegexAnnotatedTypeFactory - Class in checkers.regex
to the type of tree, in the following cases:
- a
or char
literal that is a valid
regular expression
- concatenation of two valid regular expression values
or char
) or two partial regular expression
values that make a valid regular expression when concatenated.
- for calls to Pattern.compile changes the group count value
of the return type to be the same as the parameter.
- RegexAnnotatedTypeFactory(RegexChecker, CompilationUnitTree) - Constructor for class checkers.regex.RegexAnnotatedTypeFactory
- RegexBottom - Annotation Type in checkers.regex.quals
Represents the bottom of the Regex qualifier hierarchy.
- RegexChecker - Class in checkers.regex
A type-checker plug-in for the
qualifier that finds
syntactically invalid regular expressions.
- RegexChecker() - Constructor for class checkers.regex.RegexChecker
- regexError(String) - Static method in class checkers.regex.RegexUtil
Returns null if the argument is a syntactically valid regular
- regexError(String, int) - Static method in class checkers.regex.RegexUtil
Returns null if the argument is a syntactically valid regular
expression with at least the given number of groups.
- regexException(String) - Static method in class checkers.regex.RegexUtil
Returns null if the argument is a syntactically valid regular
- regexException(String, int) - Static method in class checkers.regex.RegexUtil
Returns null if the argument is a syntactically valid regular
expression with at least the given number of groups.
- RegexFlow - Class in checkers.regex
- RegexFlow(BaseTypeChecker, CompilationUnitTree, Set<AnnotationMirror>, AnnotatedTypeFactory) - Constructor for class checkers.regex.RegexFlow
- RegexUtil - Class in checkers.regex
Utility methods for regular expressions.
- regexValueElement - Variable in class checkers.regex.RegexChecker
- RegexVisitor - Class in checkers.regex
A type-checking visitor for the Regex type system.
- RegexVisitor(RegexChecker, CompilationUnitTree) - Constructor for class checkers.regex.RegexVisitor
- removeAnnotation(AnnotationMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
Removes an annotation from the type.
- removeAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
- removeAnnotationInHierarchy(AnnotationMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
Remove any annotation that is in the same qualifier hierarchy as the parameter.
- removeAnnotations(Iterable<? extends AnnotationMirror>) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
Removes multiple annotations from the type.
- removeFlowResult(Map<Tree, Set<AnnotationMirror>>, Tree, AnnotationMirror) - Static method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
- removeUnqualified() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
Remove an Unqualified annotation if it exists.
- replaceAnnotation(AnnotationMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
Adds an annotation to this type, removing any existing annotation from the
same qualifier hierarchy first.
- replaceAnnotations(Iterable<? extends AnnotationMirror>) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
Adds multiple annotations to this type, removing any existing annotations from the
same qualifier hierarchy first.
- report(Result, Object) - Method in class checkers.source.SourceChecker
Reports a result.
- ReportCall - Annotation Type in checkers.util.report.quals
Report all calls of a method that has this annotation, including
calls of methods that override this method.
- ReportChecker - Class in checkers.util.report
The Report Checker for semantic searches.
- ReportChecker() - Constructor for class checkers.util.report.ReportChecker
- ReportCreation - Annotation Type in checkers.util.report.quals
Report all instantiations of a class/interface that has this annotation,
including any subclass.
- reportError(AnnotatedTypeMirror, Tree) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor.TypeValidator
- ReportInherit - Annotation Type in checkers.util.report.quals
Report all types that extend/implement a type that has this annotation.
- ReportOverride - Annotation Type in checkers.util.report.quals
Report all methods that override a method with this annotation.
- ReportReadWrite - Annotation Type in checkers.util.report.quals
Report all read or write access to a field with this annotation.
- ReportUse - Annotation Type in checkers.util.report.quals
Report all uses of a type that has this annotation.
- ReportVisitor - Class in checkers.util.report
- ReportVisitor(ReportChecker, CompilationUnitTree) - Constructor for class checkers.util.report.ReportVisitor
- ReportVisitor.ReportTypeValidator - Class in checkers.util.report
- ReportVisitor.ReportTypeValidator() - Constructor for class checkers.util.report.ReportVisitor.ReportTypeValidator
- ReportWrite - Annotation Type in checkers.util.report.quals
Report all write accesses to a field with this annotation.
- Resolver - Class in checkers.util
A Utility class to find symbols corresponding to string references
- Resolver(ProcessingEnvironment) - Constructor for class checkers.util.Resolver
- Result - Class in checkers.source
Represents the outcome of a typechecking operation (success,
warning, or failure, plus a list of explanatory messages).
- Result.DiagMessage - Class in checkers.source
A class that represents the diangosis messages.
- Result.DiagMessage(String, Object[]) - Constructor for class checkers.source.Result.DiagMessage
- root - Variable in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
The file that's being analyzed.
- root - Variable in class checkers.source.SourceVisitor
- root - Variable in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
Optional! The AST of the source file being operated on.
- run() - Method in class checkers.util.test.ParameterizedCheckerTest
- run() - Method in class checkers.util.test.TestInput
- runTest(File, File...) - Method in class checkers.util.test.CheckerTest
Tests that the result of compiling the javaFile matches the expectedFile.
- runTest(List<String>, boolean, String...) - Method in class checkers.util.test.CheckerTest
- runTest(String, boolean, File...) - Method in class checkers.util.test.CheckerTest
Tests that the result of compiling the javaFile matches the expectedFile.
- runTest(File, boolean, File...) - Method in class checkers.util.test.CheckerTest
- s - Annotation Type in checkers.units.quals
- s - Variable in class checkers.units.UnitsRelationsDefault
- s - Static variable in class checkers.units.UnitsTools
- scan(Tree, Void) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
- scan(Tree) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
- scan(Tree, Void) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
- scan(Tree) - Method in interface checkers.flow.Flow
Scan the given (root) tree and infer the refined types.
- scan(AnnotatedTypeMirror, ElementKind) - Method in class checkers.types.TypeAnnotator
- scan(Iterable<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror>, Iterable<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror>) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.AnnotatedTypeComparer
- scan(AnnotatedTypeMirror, P) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.AnnotatedTypeScanner
Processes an element by calling e.accept(this, p); this method
may be overridden by subclasses.
- scan(Iterable<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror>, P) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.AnnotatedTypeScanner
Processes an element by calling e.accept(this, p); this method
may be overridden by subclasses.
- scan(Tree, Void) - Method in class checkers.util.debug.TreeDebug.Visitor
- scan(Tree, Void) - Method in class checkers.util.report.ReportVisitor
- scanAndReduce(Iterable<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror>, Iterable<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror>, R) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.AnnotatedTypeComparer
- scanAndReduce(AnnotatedTypeMirror, AnnotatedTypeMirror, R) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.AnnotatedTypeComparer
- scanAndReduce(Iterable<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror>, AnnotatedTypeMirror, R) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.AnnotatedTypeComparer
- scanAndReduce(Iterable<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror>, P, R) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.AnnotatedTypeScanner
- scanAndReduce(AnnotatedTypeMirror, P, R) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.AnnotatedTypeScanner
- scanCond(ExpressionTree) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
Called whenever a conditional expression is scanned.
- scanCond(ExpressionTree) - Method in class checkers.regex.RegexFlow
- scanDef(Tree) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
Called whenever a definition is scanned.
- scanExpr(ExpressionTree) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
Called whenever an expression is scanned.
- scanStat(StatementTree) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
Called whenever a statement is scanned.
- scanStats(List<? extends StatementTree>) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
Called whenever a block of statements is scanned.
- second - Variable in class checkers.util.Pair
- set(K, int) - Method in class checkers.flow.GenKillBits
Sets the bit (gen) for the key at the specified index.
- setAssignmentContext(AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.VisitorState
- setClassTree(ClassTree) - Method in class checkers.types.VisitorState
Updates the tree of the current class currently visited
- setClassType(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType) - Method in class checkers.types.VisitorState
Updates the type of the current class currently visited
- setComponentType(AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedArrayType
Sets the component type of this array
- setDebug(PrintStream) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
- setDebug(PrintStream) - Method in interface checkers.flow.Flow
- setHeldLocks(List<String>) - Method in class checkers.lock.LockAnnotatedTypeFactory
- setLocalVariableDefault(Set<AnnotationMirror>) - Method in class checkers.util.QualifierDefaults
- setMethodReceiver(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType) - Method in class checkers.types.VisitorState
Updates the method receiver type currently visited
- setMethodTree(MethodTree) - Method in class checkers.types.VisitorState
Updates the method currently visited
- setMethodTypeArgHack() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedWildcardType
- setPath(TreePath) - Method in class checkers.types.VisitorState
Sets the current path for the visitor.
- setTypeArguments(List<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror>) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType
Sets the type arguments on this type
- setValue(CharSequence, AnnotationMirror) - Method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils.AnnotationBuilder
- setValue(CharSequence, List<? extends Object>) - Method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils.AnnotationBuilder
- setValue(CharSequence, Object[]) - Method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils.AnnotationBuilder
- setValue(CharSequence, Boolean) - Method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils.AnnotationBuilder
- setValue(CharSequence, Character) - Method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils.AnnotationBuilder
- setValue(CharSequence, Double) - Method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils.AnnotationBuilder
- setValue(CharSequence, Float) - Method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils.AnnotationBuilder
- setValue(CharSequence, Integer) - Method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils.AnnotationBuilder
- setValue(CharSequence, Long) - Method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils.AnnotationBuilder
- setValue(CharSequence, Short) - Method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils.AnnotationBuilder
- setValue(CharSequence, String) - Method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils.AnnotationBuilder
- setValue(CharSequence, TypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils.AnnotationBuilder
- setValue(CharSequence, Class<?>) - Method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils.AnnotationBuilder
- setValue(CharSequence, Enum<?>) - Method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils.AnnotationBuilder
- setValue(CharSequence, VariableElement) - Method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils.AnnotationBuilder
- setValue(CharSequence, Enum<?>[]) - Method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils.AnnotationBuilder
- setValue(CharSequence, VariableElement[]) - Method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils.AnnotationBuilder
- shouldSkipDefs(ClassTree) - Method in class checkers.source.SourceChecker
Tests whether the class definition should not be checked because it
matches the checker.skipDefs
- shouldSkipDefs(ClassTree, MethodTree) - Method in class checkers.source.SourceChecker
Tests whether the method definition should not be checked because it
matches the checker.skipDefs
- shouldSkipUses(ExpressionTree) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
Tests whether the expression should not be checked because of the tree
referring to unannotated classes, as specified in
the checker.skipUses
- shouldSkipUses(Element) - Method in class checkers.source.SourceChecker
Tests whether the class owner of the passed element is an unannotated
class and matches the pattern specified in the
- shouldSucceed(File) - Static method in class checkers.util.test.TestUtilities
Returns true if the compilation associated with the given expected
output should succeed without any errors.
- SignatureAnnotatedTypeFactory - Class in checkers.signature
This class is currently not needed.
- SignatureAnnotatedTypeFactory(SignatureChecker, CompilationUnitTree) - Constructor for class checkers.signature.SignatureAnnotatedTypeFactory
- SignatureBottom - Annotation Type in checkers.signature.quals
Represents the bottom of the type-qualifier hierarchy.
- SignatureChecker - Class in checkers.signature
- SignatureChecker() - Constructor for class checkers.signature.SignatureChecker
- SignaturePrinter - Class in checkers.util.debug
Outputs the method signatures of a class with fully annotated types.
- SignaturePrinter() - Constructor for class checkers.util.debug.SignaturePrinter
- SimpleAnnotatedTypeScanner<R extends @NonNull Object,P extends @NonNull Object> - Class in checkers.types.visitors
- SimpleAnnotatedTypeScanner() - Constructor for class checkers.types.visitors.SimpleAnnotatedTypeScanner
- SimpleAnnotatedTypeVisitor<R extends @NonNull Object,P extends @NonNull Object> - Class in checkers.types.visitors
- SimpleAnnotatedTypeVisitor() - Constructor for class checkers.types.visitors.SimpleAnnotatedTypeVisitor
- SimpleAnnotatedTypeVisitor(R) - Constructor for class checkers.types.visitors.SimpleAnnotatedTypeVisitor
- skipParens(ExpressionTree) - Static method in class checkers.util.TreeUtils
If the given tree is a parenthesized tree, it returns the enclosed
non-parenthesized tree.
- SourceChecker - Class in checkers.source
An abstract annotation processor designed for implementing a
source-file checker for a JSR-308 conforming compiler plug-in.
- SourceChecker() - Constructor for class checkers.source.SourceChecker
- SourceChecker.CheckerError - Exception in checkers.source
Exception type used only internally to abort
- SourceChecker.CheckerError(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception checkers.source.SourceChecker.CheckerError
- SourceName - Annotation Type in checkers.signature.quals
- SourceNameForNonArray - Annotation Type in checkers.signature.quals
- SourceVisitor<R extends @NonNull Object,P extends @NonNull Object> - Class in checkers.source
An AST visitor that provides a variety of compiler utilities and interfaces
to facilitate typechecking.
- SourceVisitor(SourceChecker, CompilationUnitTree) - Constructor for class checkers.source.SourceVisitor
- Speed - Annotation Type in checkers.units.quals
Units of speed.
- StubFiles - Annotation Type in checkers.quals
An annotation on a SourceChecker subclass to provide additional
stub files that should be used in addition to jdk.astub.
- subst(AnnotatedTypeMirror, List<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror>, List<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror>) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypes
Returns a new type, a copy of the passed t
, with all
instances of from
type substituted with their correspondents
in to
- Substance - Annotation Type in checkers.units.quals
Units of substance.
- substitute(Map<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror, ? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror>) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedArrayType
- substitute(Map<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror, ? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror>) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType
- substitute(Map<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror, ? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror>) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType
- substitute(Map<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror, ? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror>) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedNoType
- substitute(Map<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror, ? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror>) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedNullType
- substitute(Map<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror, ? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror>) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedPrimitiveType
- substitute(Map<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror, ? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror>) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedTypeVariable
- substitute(Map<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror, ? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror>) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedWildcardType
- substitute(Map<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror, ? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror>) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
Return a copy of this, with the given substitutions performed.
- SubtypeOf - Annotation Type in checkers.quals
A meta-annotation to specify all the qualifiers that the given qualifier
is a subtype of.
- SUCCESS - Static variable in class checkers.source.Result
The success result.
- supertypes - Variable in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType
- supertypes - Variable in class checkers.util.MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy.MultiGraphFactory
Map from qualifiers to the direct supertypes of the qualifier.
- supertypesGraph - Variable in class checkers.util.MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy
The declared, direct supertypes for each qualifier, without added
transitive relations.
- supertypesMap - Variable in class checkers.util.MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy
The transitive closure of the supertypesGraph.
- SupportedLintOptions - Annotation Type in checkers.source
An annotation used to indicate what lint options a checker supports.
- SuppressWarningsKey - Annotation Type in checkers.source
Specifies the argument that this checker recognizes for suppressing warnings
via the
- SwingBoxOrientation - Annotation Type in checkers.fenum.quals
- SwingCompassDirection - Annotation Type in checkers.fenum.quals
- SwingElementOrientation - Annotation Type in checkers.fenum.quals
- SwingHorizontalOrientation - Annotation Type in checkers.fenum.quals
- SwingSplitPaneOrientation - Annotation Type in checkers.fenum.quals
- SwingTextOrientation - Annotation Type in checkers.fenum.quals
- SwingTitleJustification - Annotation Type in checkers.fenum.quals
- SwingTitlePosition - Annotation Type in checkers.fenum.quals
- SwingVerticalOrientation - Annotation Type in checkers.fenum.quals
- symbol(Tree) - Static method in class checkers.util.InternalUtils
Gets the
("symbol") for the given Tree API node.
- system(String) - Method in interface checkers.util.CheckerMain.CLibrary
- Tainted - Annotation Type in checkers.tainting.quals
The top qualifier of the tainting type system.
- TaintingChecker - Class in checkers.tainting
A type-checker plug-in for the Tainting type system qualifier that finds
(and verifies the absence of) trust bugs.
- TaintingChecker() - Constructor for class checkers.tainting.TaintingChecker
- Temperature - Annotation Type in checkers.units.quals
Units of temperature.
- test(Tree) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
Determines the inference result for tree.
- test(Tree) - Method in interface checkers.flow.Flow
Determines the inference result for a tree.
- test(File) - Method in class checkers.util.test.CheckerTest
Runs a test.
- test() - Method in class checkers.util.test.CheckerTest
- testFiles(String...) - Static method in class checkers.util.test.ParameterizedCheckerTest
- TestInput - Class in checkers.util.test
- TestInput(Iterable<? extends JavaFileObject>, Iterable<String>, String[]) - Constructor for class checkers.util.test.TestInput
- TestRun - Class in checkers.util.test
- TestUtilities - Class in checkers.util.test
- THISMUTABLE - Variable in class checkers.javari.JavariChecker
- ThisMutable - Annotation Type in checkers.javari.quals
An annotation used to represent a place holder immutability type, that is
equivalent to the ThisMutable type on the Javari typesystem.
- Time - Annotation Type in checkers.units.quals
Units of time.
- toAnnotatedType(TypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
- topQuals - Variable in class checkers.util.QualifierPolymorphism
The qualifiers at the top of the qualifier hierarchy.
- tops - Variable in class checkers.util.MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy
The top qualifiers of the individual type hierarchies.
- toString() - Method in class checkers.flow.DefaultFlowState
- toString() - Method in class checkers.flow.GenKillBits
- toString() - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessFlowState
- toString() - Method in class checkers.source.Result.DiagMessage
- toString() - Method in class checkers.source.Result
- toString() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
- toString(boolean) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedArrayType
- toString(boolean) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType
- toString(boolean) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType
- toString(boolean) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedNullType
- toString(boolean) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedTypeVariable
- toString(boolean) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedWildcardType
- toString() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
- toString(boolean) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
A version of toString() that optionally outputs all type qualifiers,
including @InvisibleQualifier's.
- toString() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypes
- toString() - Method in class checkers.types.VisitorState
- toString() - Method in class checkers.util.MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy
- toString() - Method in class checkers.util.Pair
- toStringAsCanonical(boolean) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedArrayType
- toStringDebug() - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
- treeAnnotator - Variable in class checkers.types.BasicAnnotatedTypeFactory
to annotate types based on the given un-annotated types
- TreeAnnotator - Class in checkers.types
Adds annotations to a type based on the contents of a tree.
- TreeAnnotator(BaseTypeChecker, AnnotatedTypeFactory) - Constructor for class checkers.types.TreeAnnotator
Creates a
from the given checker, using that checker's
annotation to determine the annotations that are
in the type hierarchy.
- TreeDebug - Class in checkers.util.debug
A utility class for displaying the structure of the AST of a program.
- TreeDebug() - Constructor for class checkers.util.debug.TreeDebug
- TreeDebug.Visitor - Class in checkers.util.debug
- TreeDebug.Visitor() - Constructor for class checkers.util.debug.TreeDebug.Visitor
- TreeParser - Class in checkers.util.trees
A Utility class for parsing Java expression snippets, and converting them
to proper Javac AST nodes.
- TreeParser(ProcessingEnvironment) - Constructor for class checkers.util.trees.TreeParser
- TreePrinter - Class in checkers.util.debug
A utility class for pretty-printing the AST of a program.
- TreePrinter() - Constructor for class checkers.util.debug.TreePrinter
- trees - Variable in class checkers.source.SourceChecker
- trees - Variable in class checkers.source.SourceVisitor
instance to use for scanning.
- trees - Variable in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
instance to use for tree node path finding.
- TreeUtils - Class in checkers.util
A utility class made for helping to analyze a given Tree
- typeAnnotator - Variable in class checkers.types.BasicAnnotatedTypeFactory
to annotate types based on the given tree
- TypeAnnotator - Class in checkers.types
Adds annotations to a type based on the contents of a type.
- TypeAnnotator(BaseTypeChecker) - Constructor for class checkers.types.TypeAnnotator
Creates a
from the given checker, using that checker's
annotation to determine the annotations that are
in the type hierarchy.
- typeArgs - Variable in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType
Parametrized Type Arguments
- typeCheckVectorCopyIntoArgument(MethodInvocationTree, List<? extends AnnotatedTypeMirror>) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
Type checks the method arguments of Vector.copyInto()
- typefactory - Variable in class checkers.nullness.NullnessFlowConditions
- typeFactory - Variable in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
The factory to use for lazily creating annotated types.
- TypeFromElement - Class in checkers.types
A utility class used to extract the annotations from an element and inserts
them into the elements type.
- TypeFromElement() - Constructor for class checkers.types.TypeFromElement
- TypeHierarchy - Class in checkers.types
- TypeHierarchy(BaseTypeChecker, QualifierHierarchy) - Constructor for class checkers.types.TypeHierarchy
Constructs an instance of TypeHierarchy
for the type system
whose qualifiers represented in qualifierHierarchy.
- typeOf(Tree) - Static method in class checkers.util.InternalUtils
- typeProcess(TypeElement, TreePath) - Method in class checkers.source.AbstractTypeProcessor
- typeProcess(TypeElement, TreePath) - Method in class checkers.source.AggregateChecker
- typeProcess(TypeElement, TreePath) - Method in class checkers.source.SourceChecker
Type-check the code with Java specifications and then runs the Checker
Rule Checking visitor on the processed source.
- typeProcess(TypeElement, TreePath) - Method in class checkers.util.debug.SignaturePrinter
- typeProcess(TypeElement, TreePath) - Method in class checkers.util.debug.TreePrinter
- typeProcessingOver() - Method in class checkers.source.AbstractTypeProcessor
A method to be called once all the classes are processed and no error
is reported.
- typeProcessingOver() - Method in class checkers.source.AggregateChecker
- typeProcessingStart() - Method in class checkers.source.AbstractTypeProcessor
A method to be called once before the first call to typeProcess.
- typeProcessingStart() - Method in class checkers.source.AggregateChecker
- typeProcessingStart() - Method in class checkers.source.SourceChecker
A method to be called once before the first call to typeProcess.
- typeProcessingStart() - Method in class checkers.util.debug.SignaturePrinter
- TypeQualifier - Annotation Type in checkers.quals
A meta-annotation indicating that the annotated annotation is a type
- TypeQualifiers - Annotation Type in checkers.quals
An annotation that lists the type qualifiers supported by the annotated
- types - Variable in class checkers.source.SourceVisitor
helper to use when scanning.
- types - Variable in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
- TypesUtils - Class in checkers.util
- typeValidator - Variable in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
- typeVariablesFromUse(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType, TypeElement) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
Adapt the upper bounds of the type variables of a class relative
to the type instantiation.
- uid - Variable in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
Unique ID of the current object; for debugging purposes.
- uid - Variable in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeMirror
- UnannotatedString - Annotation Type in checkers.signature.quals
Top qualifier in the type hierarchy.
- unify(Collection<AnnotationMirror>, Collection<AnnotationMirror>) - Method in class checkers.javari.JavariAnnotatedTypeFactory
Returns a singleton collection with the most restrictive immutability
annotation that is a supertype of the annotations on both collections.
- unify(Collection<AnnotationMirror>, Collection<AnnotationMirror>) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
Returns the type qualifiers that are least upper bound for c1 and c2
- UNINIT_DEFAULT - Static variable in class checkers.nullness.NullnessSubchecker
- UnitsAnnotatedTypeFactory - Class in checkers.units
Annotated type factory for the Units Checker.
- UnitsAnnotatedTypeFactory(UnitsChecker, CompilationUnitTree) - Constructor for class checkers.units.UnitsAnnotatedTypeFactory
- UnitsChecker - Class in checkers.units
Units Checker main class.
- UnitsChecker() - Constructor for class checkers.units.UnitsChecker
- UnitsChecker.UnitsQualifierHierarchy - Class in checkers.units
- UnitsChecker.UnitsQualifierHierarchy(MultiGraphQualifierHierarchy.MultiGraphFactory, AnnotationMirror) - Constructor for class checkers.units.UnitsChecker.UnitsQualifierHierarchy
- UnitsMultiple - Annotation Type in checkers.units.quals
Define the relation between a base unit and the current unit.
- unitsRel - Variable in class checkers.units.UnitsChecker
- UnitsRelations - Annotation Type in checkers.units.quals
Specify the class that knows how to handle the meta-annotated unit
when put in relation (plus, multiply, ...) with another unit.
- UnitsRelations - Interface in checkers.units
Interface that is used to specify the relation between units.
- UnitsRelationsDefault - Class in checkers.units
Default relations between SI units.
- UnitsRelationsDefault() - Constructor for class checkers.units.UnitsRelationsDefault
- UnitsTools - Class in checkers.units
Utility methods to generate annotated types and to convert between them.
- UnitsTools() - Constructor for class checkers.units.UnitsTools
- UnitsVisitor - Class in checkers.units
Units visitor.
- UnitsVisitor(UnitsChecker, CompilationUnitTree) - Constructor for class checkers.units.UnitsVisitor
- UNQUALIFIED - Variable in class checkers.lock.LockChecker
- Unqualified - Annotation Type in checkers.quals
A special annotation intended solely for representing an unqualified type in
the qualifier hierarchy, as an argument to
in the type qualifiers declarations.
- Untainted - Annotation Type in checkers.tainting.quals
Denotes a reference that is untainted, i.e.
- Unusable - Annotation Type in checkers.linear.quals
- UNUSED - Variable in class checkers.nullness.NullnessAnnotatedTypeFactory
Represents the Nullness Checker qualifiers
- Unused - Annotation Type in checkers.quals
Declares that the field may not be accessed if the receiver is of the
specified qualifier type (or any supertype).
- updateMappingToImmutableSet(Map<T, Set<AnnotationMirror>>, T, Set<AnnotationMirror>) - Static method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils
- updateMappingToMutableSet(QualifierHierarchy, Map<T, Set<AnnotationMirror>>, T, AnnotationMirror) - Static method in class checkers.util.AnnotationUtils
Update a mapping from some key to a set of AnnotationMirrors.
- useFlow - Variable in class checkers.types.BasicAnnotatedTypeFactory
Should use flow analysis?
- UsesObjectEquals - Annotation Type in checkers.interning.quals
Class declaration to indicate the class does not override
equals(Object), and therefore a.equals(b) and a ==
b behave identically.
- utils - Variable in class checkers.units.UnitsChecker
- valid() - Method in class checkers.flow.GenKillBits
- validateTypeOf(Tree) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
Tests whether the tree expressed by the passed type tree is a valid type,
and emits an error if that is not the case (e.g.
- validateTypeOf(Tree) - Method in class checkers.oigj.ImmutabilityVisitor
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum checkers.quals.DefaultLocation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum checkers.units.quals.Prefix
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum checkers.quals.DefaultLocation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum checkers.units.quals.Prefix
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- varDefHasAnnotation(MethodTree, AnnotationMirror, Element) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
Determines whether a variable definition has been annotated.
- vars - Variable in class checkers.flow.DefaultFlowState
Maps variables to a bit index.
- visit(AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.AnnotatedTypeScanner
- visit(AnnotatedTypeMirror, P) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.AnnotatedTypeScanner
- visit(AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in interface checkers.types.visitors.AnnotatedTypeVisitor
A Convenience method equivalent to v.visit(t, null)
- visit(AnnotatedTypeMirror, P) - Method in interface checkers.types.visitors.AnnotatedTypeVisitor
Visits a type.
- visit(AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.SimpleAnnotatedTypeVisitor
- visit(AnnotatedTypeMirror, P) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.SimpleAnnotatedTypeVisitor
- visitAnnotation(AnnotationTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
Ensure that the annotation arguments comply to their declarations.
- visitAnnotation(AnnotationTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
- visitArray(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedArrayType, Tree) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor.TypeValidator
- visitArray(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedArrayType, AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.AnnotatedTypeComparer
- visitArray(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedArrayType, P) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.AnnotatedTypeScanner
- visitArray(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedArrayType, P) - Method in interface checkers.types.visitors.AnnotatedTypeVisitor
Visits an array type.
- visitArray(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedArrayType, P) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.SimpleAnnotatedTypeScanner
Visits an array type.
- visitArray(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedArrayType, P) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.SimpleAnnotatedTypeVisitor
- visitArrayAccess(ArrayAccessTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
- visitArrayAccess(ArrayAccessTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
- visitArrayAccess(ArrayAccessTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessVisitor
Case 3: Check for array dereferencing
- visitArrayAccess(ArrayAccessTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.util.report.ReportVisitor
- visitAssert(AssertTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
- visitAssert(AssertTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessVisitor
- visitAssignment(AssignmentTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
- visitAssignment(AssignmentTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
- visitAssignment(AssignmentTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessFlowConditions
- visitAssignment(AssignmentTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessVisitor
- visitAssignment(AssignmentTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.util.report.ReportVisitor
- visitBinary(BinaryTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.fenum.FenumVisitor
- visitBinary(BinaryTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.interning.InterningVisitor
- visitBinary(BinaryTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessFlowConditions
- visitBinary(BinaryTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessVisitor
Case 6: Check for redundant nullness tests
Case 7: unboxing case: primitive operations
- visitBinary(BinaryTree, AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.propkey.PropertyKeyAnnotatedTypeFactory.KeyLookupTreeAnnotator
- visitBinary(BinaryTree, AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.TreeAnnotator
- visitBlock(BlockTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
- visitBreak(BreakTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
- visitClass(ClassTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
- visitClass(ClassTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
- visitClass(ClassTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.interning.InterningVisitor
- visitClass(ClassTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.javari.JavariVisitor
Ensures the class type is not @PolyRead
outside a
- visitClass(ClassTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.util.report.ReportVisitor
- visitCompilationUnit(CompilationUnitTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
Override Compilation Unit so we won't visit package names or imports
- visitCompoundAssignment(CompoundAssignmentTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
- visitCompoundAssignment(CompoundAssignmentTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.fenum.FenumVisitor
- visitCompoundAssignment(CompoundAssignmentTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
- visitCompoundAssignment(CompoundAssignmentTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessVisitor
Case 7: unboxing case: primitive operation
- visitCompoundAssignment(CompoundAssignmentTree, AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.propkey.PropertyKeyAnnotatedTypeFactory.KeyLookupTreeAnnotator
- visitCompoundAssignment(CompoundAssignmentTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.regex.RegexVisitor
Case 2: Check String compound concatenation for valid Regex use.
- visitCompoundAssignment(CompoundAssignmentTree, AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.TreeAnnotator
- visitCompoundAssignment(CompoundAssignmentTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.units.UnitsVisitor
- visitConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpressionTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
If the computation of the type of the ConditionalExpressionTree in
checkers.types.TypeFromTree.TypeFromExpression.visitConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpressionTree, AnnotatedTypeFactory)
is correct, the following checks are redundant.
- visitConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpressionTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
- visitConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpressionTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessFlowConditions
- visitConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpressionTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessVisitor
- visitContinue(ContinueTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
- visitDeclared(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType, Tree) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor.TypeValidator
- visitDeclared(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType, AnnotatedTypeFactory) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory.InheritedFromClassAnnotator
- visitDeclared(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType, AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.AnnotatedTypeComparer
- visitDeclared(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType, P) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.AnnotatedTypeScanner
- visitDeclared(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType, P) - Method in interface checkers.types.visitors.AnnotatedTypeVisitor
Visits a declared type.
- visitDeclared(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType, P) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.SimpleAnnotatedTypeScanner
Visits a declared type.
- visitDeclared(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType, P) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.SimpleAnnotatedTypeVisitor
- visitDeclared(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType, Tree) - Method in class checkers.util.report.ReportVisitor.ReportTypeValidator
- visitDoWhileLoop(DoWhileLoopTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
- visitDoWhileLoop(DoWhileLoopTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessVisitor
- visited - Variable in class checkers.types.TypeHierarchy
Prevent infinite loops in cases of recursive type bound
- visitedNodes - Variable in class checkers.types.visitors.AnnotatedTypeScanner
- visitEnhancedForLoop(EnhancedForLoopTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
Performs a subtype check, to test whether the node expression
iterable type is a subtype of the variable type in the enhanced for
- visitEnhancedForLoop(EnhancedForLoopTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
- visitEnhancedForLoop(EnhancedForLoopTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessVisitor
Case 2: Check for implicit .iterator
- visitExecutable(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType, AnnotatedTypeFactory) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory.InheritedFromClassAnnotator
- visitExecutable(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType, ElementKind) - Method in class checkers.types.TypeAnnotator
- visitExecutable(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType, AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.AnnotatedTypeComparer
- visitExecutable(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType, P) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.AnnotatedTypeScanner
- visitExecutable(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType, P) - Method in interface checkers.types.visitors.AnnotatedTypeVisitor
Visits an executable type.
- visitExecutable(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType, P) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.SimpleAnnotatedTypeScanner
Visits an executable type.
- visitExecutable(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType, P) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.SimpleAnnotatedTypeVisitor
- visitForLoop(ForLoopTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
- visitForLoop(ForLoopTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessVisitor
- visitIdentifier(IdentifierTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
- visitIdentifier(IdentifierTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
- visitIdentifier(IdentifierTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.linear.LinearVisitor
- visitIdentifier(IdentifierTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.lock.LockVisitor
- visitIdentifier(IdentifierTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessFlowConditions
- visitIdentifier(IdentifierTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.util.debug.TreeDebug.Visitor
- visitIdentifier(IdentifierTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.util.report.ReportVisitor
- visitIf(IfTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
- visitIf(IfTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessVisitor
- visitImport(ImportTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
- visitInstanceOf(InstanceOfTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
- visitInstanceOf(InstanceOfTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessFlowConditions
- visitInstanceOf(InstanceOfTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.util.report.ReportVisitor
- visitLiteral(LiteralTree, AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.propkey.PropertyKeyAnnotatedTypeFactory.KeyLookupTreeAnnotator
- visitLiteral(LiteralTree, AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.TreeAnnotator
Go through the string patterns and add the greatest lower bound of all matching patterns.
- visitLiteral(LiteralTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.util.debug.TreeDebug.Visitor
- visitMemberSelect(MemberSelectTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
- visitMemberSelect(MemberSelectTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.linear.LinearVisitor
- visitMemberSelect(MemberSelectTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.lock.LockVisitor
- visitMemberSelect(MemberSelectTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessFlowConditions
- visitMemberSelect(MemberSelectTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessVisitor
Case 1: Check for null dereferencing
- visitMemberSelect(MemberSelectTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.util.debug.TreeDebug.Visitor
- visitMemberSelect(MemberSelectTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.util.report.ReportVisitor
- visitMethod(MethodTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
Performs pseudo-assignment check: checks that the method obeys override
and subtype rules to all overridden methods.
- visitMethod(MethodTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
- visitMethod(MethodTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.lock.LockVisitor
- visitMethod(MethodTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessVisitor
- visitMethod(MethodTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.util.report.ReportVisitor
- visitMethodEndCallback(MethodTree) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
This method is invoked by visitMethod before restoring the previous
state before visiting the method.
- visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocationTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
Performs a method invocation check.
- visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocationTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
- visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocationTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.interning.InterningVisitor
- visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocationTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.lock.LockVisitor
- visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocationTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessFlowConditions
- visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocationTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessVisitor
- visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocationTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.regex.RegexVisitor
Case 1: Don't require a Regex annotation on the String argument to
Pattern.compile if the Pattern.LITERAL flag is passed.
- visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocationTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.util.report.ReportVisitor
- visitModifiers(ModifiersTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.util.report.ReportVisitor
- visitNewArray(NewArrayTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
- visitNewArray(NewArrayTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessVisitor
- visitNewArray(NewArrayTree, AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.TreeAnnotator
- visitNewArray(NewArrayTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.util.debug.TreeDebug.Visitor
- visitNewArray(NewArrayTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.util.report.ReportVisitor
- visitNewClass(NewClassTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
Performs a new class invocation check.
- visitNewClass(NewClassTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.util.report.ReportVisitor
- visitNoType(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedNoType, P) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.AnnotatedTypeScanner
- visitNoType(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedNoType, P) - Method in interface checkers.types.visitors.AnnotatedTypeVisitor
Visits NoType type.
- visitNoType(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedNoType, P) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.SimpleAnnotatedTypeScanner
Visits NoType type.
- visitNoType(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedNoType, P) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.SimpleAnnotatedTypeVisitor
- visitNull(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedNullType, P) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.AnnotatedTypeScanner
- visitNull(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedNullType, P) - Method in interface checkers.types.visitors.AnnotatedTypeVisitor
Visits a null
- visitNull(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedNullType, P) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.SimpleAnnotatedTypeScanner
Visits a null
- visitNull(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedNullType, P) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.SimpleAnnotatedTypeVisitor
- visitorState - Variable in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
For storing visitor state
- visitorState - Variable in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
The state of the visitor.
- VisitorState - Class in checkers.types
Represents the state of a visitor.
- VisitorState() - Constructor for class checkers.types.VisitorState
- visitParameterizedType(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType, ParameterizedTypeTree) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor.TypeValidator
Checks that the annotations on the type arguments supplied to a
type or a method invocation are within the bounds of the type
variables as declared, and issues the "generic.argument.invalid"
error if they are not.
- visitParameterizedType(ParameterizedTypeTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
Do not override this method!
Previously, this method contained some logic, but the main modifier of types was missing.
- visitParenthesized(ParenthesizedTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessFlowConditions
- visitParenthesized(ParenthesizedTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.util.Heuristics.Matcher
- visitPrimitive(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedPrimitiveType, Tree) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor.TypeValidator
- visitPrimitive(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedPrimitiveType, P) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.AnnotatedTypeScanner
- visitPrimitive(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedPrimitiveType, P) - Method in interface checkers.types.visitors.AnnotatedTypeVisitor
Visits a primitive type.
- visitPrimitive(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedPrimitiveType, P) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.SimpleAnnotatedTypeScanner
Visits a primitive type.
- visitPrimitive(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedPrimitiveType, P) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.SimpleAnnotatedTypeVisitor
- visitReturn(ReturnTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
Checks that the type of the return expression is a subtype of the
enclosing method required return type.
- visitReturn(ReturnTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
- visitSwitch(SwitchTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.fenum.FenumVisitor
- visitSwitch(SwitchTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessVisitor
- visitSynchronized(SynchronizedTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.lock.LockVisitor
- visitSynchronized(SynchronizedTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessVisitor
Case 5: Check for synchronizing locks
- visitThrow(ThrowTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
- visitThrow(ThrowTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessVisitor
Case 4: Check for thrown exception nullness
- visitTry(TryTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
- visitTypeCast(TypeCastTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
- visitTypeCast(TypeCastTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
- visitTypeCast(TypeCastTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessVisitor
Case 7: unboxing case: casting to a primitive
- visitTypeCast(TypeCastTree, AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.TreeAnnotator
- visitTypeCast(TypeCastTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.util.report.ReportVisitor
- visitTypeParameter(TypeParameterTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
- visitTypeVariable(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedTypeVariable, Tree) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor.TypeValidator
- visitTypeVariable(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedTypeVariable, AnnotatedTypeFactory) - Method in class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory.InheritedFromClassAnnotator
- visitTypeVariable(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedTypeVariable, AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.AnnotatedTypeComparer
- visitTypeVariable(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedTypeVariable, P) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.AnnotatedTypeScanner
- visitTypeVariable(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedTypeVariable, P) - Method in interface checkers.types.visitors.AnnotatedTypeVisitor
Visits a type variable.
- visitTypeVariable(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedTypeVariable, P) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.SimpleAnnotatedTypeScanner
Visits a type variable.
- visitTypeVariable(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedTypeVariable, P) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.SimpleAnnotatedTypeVisitor
- visitUnary(UnaryTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
- visitUnary(UnaryTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessFlowConditions
- visitUnary(UnaryTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessVisitor
Case 7: unboxing case: primitive operation
- visitUnary(UnaryTree, AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.TreeAnnotator
- visitVariable(VariableTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
- visitVariable(VariableTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
- visitWhileLoop(WhileLoopTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.flow.AbstractFlow
- visitWhileLoop(WhileLoopTree, Void) - Method in class checkers.nullness.NullnessVisitor
- visitWildcard(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedWildcardType, Tree) - Method in class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor.TypeValidator
- visitWildcard(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedWildcardType, AnnotatedTypeMirror) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.AnnotatedTypeComparer
- visitWildcard(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedWildcardType, P) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.AnnotatedTypeScanner
- visitWildcard(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedWildcardType, P) - Method in interface checkers.types.visitors.AnnotatedTypeVisitor
Visits a wildcard type.
- visitWildcard(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedWildcardType, P) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.SimpleAnnotatedTypeScanner
Visits a wildcard type.
- visitWildcard(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedWildcardType, P) - Method in class checkers.types.visitors.SimpleAnnotatedTypeVisitor