Annotation Type Unused

public @interface Unused

Declares that the field may not be accessed if the receiver is of the specified qualifier type. The checker that type-checks the when element value qualifier verifies that property.

Example Consider a class, Table, with a locking field, lock. The lock is used when a Table instance is shared across threads. When running in a local thread, the lock field ought not to be used. You can declare this behavior in the following way:

 class Table {
   private @Unused(when=LocalToThread.class) final Lock lock;
The appropriate checker (which type-checks the specified qualifier) is to issue an error whenever the lock is used in a LocalToThread, like in the following case:

   final @LocalToThread Table table = ....;

Required Element Summary
 Class<? extends Annotation> when

Element Detail


public abstract Class<? extends Annotation> when