Class NonNullAnnotatedTypeFactory

  extended by checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
      extended by checkers.nonnull.NonNullAnnotatedTypeFactory

public class NonNullAnnotatedTypeFactory
extends AnnotatedTypeFactory

Adds the NonNull annotation to a type that is: 1. in the scope of a Default annotation and matches its location criteria 2. determined to be NonNull by flow-sensitive inference 3. the class in a static member access (e.g., "System" in "System.out") 4. an array-creation expression (with new) 5. an object-creation expression (with new) 6. a string literal 7. a package declaration 8. an exception parameter 9. the receiver type of a non-static (and non-constructor) method The type factory will also add the Raw annotation to the receiver type of constructors.

Additionally, the type factory will add the Nullable annotation to a type if the input is the null literal or of type Void, and may resolve the types of some NonNull fields as Nullable depending on the presence of a Raw annotation on a constructor or method receiver.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
annotations, atypes, checker, elements, env, qualHierarchy, root, trees, types, visitorState
Constructor Summary
NonNullAnnotatedTypeFactory(NonNullChecker checker, CompilationUnitTree root)
          Creates a NonNullAnnotatedTypeFactory.
Method Summary
protected  void annotateImplicit(Element elt, AnnotatedTypeMirror type)
          Adds implicit annotations to a type obtained from a Element.
protected  void annotateImplicit(Tree tree, AnnotatedTypeMirror type)
          Adds implicit annotations to a type obtained from a Tree.
Methods inherited from class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
annotateInheritedFromClass, constructorFromUse, createLRUCache, declarationFromElement, fromClass, fromElement, fromElement, fromElement, fromExpression, fromMember, fromTypeTree, getAnnotatedType, getAnnotatedType, getAnnotatedType, getAnnotatedType, getAnnotatedType, getAnnotatedType, getAnnotatedType, getAnnotatedType, getAnnotatedTypeFromTypeTree, getBoxedType, getCurrentClassType, getCurrentMethodReceiver, getPath, getReceiver, getSelfType, getUnboxedType, getVisitorState, isSupportedQualifier, methodFromUse, postAsMemberOf, postDirectSuperTypes, type, unify
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public NonNullAnnotatedTypeFactory(NonNullChecker checker,
                                   CompilationUnitTree root)
Creates a NonNullAnnotatedTypeFactory.

Method Detail


protected void annotateImplicit(Element elt,
                                AnnotatedTypeMirror type)
Description copied from class: AnnotatedTypeFactory
Adds implicit annotations to a type obtained from a Element. By default, this method does nothing. Subclasses should use this method to implement implicit annotations specific to their type systems.

annotateImplicit in class AnnotatedTypeFactory
elt - an element
type - the type obtained from elt


protected void annotateImplicit(Tree tree,
                                AnnotatedTypeMirror type)
Description copied from class: AnnotatedTypeFactory
Adds implicit annotations to a type obtained from a Tree. By default, this method does nothing. Subclasses should use this method to implement implicit annotations specific to their type systems.

annotateImplicit in class AnnotatedTypeFactory
tree - an AST node
type - the type obtained from tree