Class JavariVisitor

  extended by com.sun.source.util.TreeScanner<R,P>
      extended by com.sun.source.util.TreePathScanner<R,P>
          extended by checkers.source.SourceVisitor<R,P>
              extended by checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor<Void,Void>
                  extended by checkers.javari.JavariVisitor
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class JavariVisitor
extends BaseTypeVisitor<Void,Void>

A type-checking visitor for the Javari mutability annotations (@ReadOnly, @Mutable and @Assignable) that extends BaseTypeVisitor.

See Also:

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
annoFactory, annoTypes, checker, visitorState
Fields inherited from class checkers.source.SourceVisitor
atypeFactory, elements, root, trees, types
Constructor Summary
JavariVisitor(JavariChecker checker, CompilationUnitTree root)
          Creates a new visitor for type-checking the Javari mutability annotations.
Method Summary
protected  void checkAssignability(AnnotatedTypeMirror varType, Tree varTree)
          Checks whether the variable represented by the given type and tree can be assigned, causing a checker error otherwise.
 void validateTypeOf(Tree tree)
          Tests whether the tree expressed by the passed type tree contains a qualified primitive type on its qualified type, and if so emits an error.
 Void visitClass(ClassTree node, Void p)
          Ensures the class type is not @PolyRead outside a @PolyRead context.
 Void visitTypeCast(TypeCastTree node, Void p)
          Emits a warning if a cast is made increasing mutability.
Methods inherited from class checkers.basetype.BaseTypeVisitor
checkArguments, checkMethodInvocability, checkOverride, checkTypeArguments, commonAssignmentCheck, commonAssignmentCheck, commonAssignmentCheck, scan, shouldSkip, shouldSkip, visitAnnotation, visitAssignment, visitCompilationUnit, visitCompoundAssignment, visitEnhancedForLoop, visitInstanceOf, visitMethod, visitMethodInvocation, visitNewArray, visitNewClass, visitParameterizedType, visitReturn, visitUnary, visitVariable
Methods inherited from class com.sun.source.util.TreePathScanner
getCurrentPath, scan
Methods inherited from class com.sun.source.util.TreeScanner
reduce, scan, visitAnnotatedType, visitArrayAccess, visitArrayType, visitAssert, visitBinary, visitBlock, visitBreak, visitCase, visitCatch, visitConditionalExpression, visitContinue, visitDoWhileLoop, visitEmptyStatement, visitErroneous, visitExpressionStatement, visitForLoop, visitIdentifier, visitIf, visitImport, visitLabeledStatement, visitLiteral, visitMemberSelect, visitModifiers, visitOther, visitParenthesized, visitPrimitiveType, visitSwitch, visitSynchronized, visitThrow, visitTry, visitTypeParameter, visitWhileLoop, visitWildcard
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public JavariVisitor(JavariChecker checker,
                     CompilationUnitTree root)
Creates a new visitor for type-checking the Javari mutability annotations.

checker - the JavariChecker to use
root - the root of the input program's AST to check
Method Detail


public Void visitClass(ClassTree node,
                       Void p)
Ensures the class type is not @PolyRead outside a @PolyRead context.

Specified by:
visitClass in interface TreeVisitor<Void,Void>
visitClass in class BaseTypeVisitor<Void,Void>


protected void checkAssignability(AnnotatedTypeMirror varType,
                                  Tree varTree)
Checks whether the variable represented by the given type and tree can be assigned, causing a checker error otherwise.

checkAssignability in class BaseTypeVisitor<Void,Void>
varType - the type of the variable being re-assigned
varTree - the tree used to access the variable in the assignment


public void validateTypeOf(Tree tree)
Tests whether the tree expressed by the passed type tree contains a qualified primitive type on its qualified type, and if so emits an error.

validateTypeOf in class BaseTypeVisitor<Void,Void>
tree - the AST type supplied by the user


public Void visitTypeCast(TypeCastTree node,
                          Void p)
Emits a warning if a cast is made increasing mutability.

Specified by:
visitTypeCast in interface TreeVisitor<Void,Void>
visitTypeCast in class BaseTypeVisitor<Void,Void>
See Also: