Class JavariAnnotatedTypeFactory

  extended by checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
      extended by checkers.javari.JavariAnnotatedTypeFactory

public class JavariAnnotatedTypeFactory
extends AnnotatedTypeFactory

Generates a AnnotatedTypeMirror with Javari annotations from a Tree or a Element parameter.

Implicit annotations are added as follows:

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
annotations, atypes, checker, elements, env, qualHierarchy, root, trees, types, visitorState
Constructor Summary
JavariAnnotatedTypeFactory(JavariChecker checker, CompilationUnitTree root)
          Creates a new JavariAnnotatedTypeFactory that operates on a particular AST.
Method Summary
protected  void annotateImplicit(Element element, AnnotatedTypeMirror type)
          Adds annotations to qualified types according to their provided element, as follows: Qualified class types without annotations corresponding to class or interface elements receive the @Mutable annotation.
protected  void annotateImplicit(Tree tree, AnnotatedTypeMirror type)
          Adds implicit annotations to a qualified type, based on its tree, as follows: Resolves qualified types from MemberSelectTree, inheritting from the expression to the identifier if the identifier is @ThisMutable.
protected  void annotateInheritedFromClass(AnnotatedTypeMirror type)
          Does nothing.
 AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType constructorFromUse(NewClassTree tree)
          Determines the type of the constructed object based on the parameters passed to the constructor.
 boolean hasImmutabilityAnnotation(AnnotatedTypeMirror type)
 AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType methodFromUse(MethodInvocationTree tree)
          Determines the type of the invoked method based on the passed method invocation tree.
 void postAsMemberOf(AnnotatedTypeMirror type, AnnotatedTypeMirror owner, Element element)
          We modify this callback method to replace @ThisMutable implicit annotations with the qualified supertype annotation, if the owner doesn't have a @ReadOnly annotation.
 Collection<AnnotationMirror> unify(Collection<AnnotationMirror> c1, Collection<AnnotationMirror> c2)
          Returns a singleton collection with the most restrictive immutability annotation that is a supertype of the annotations on both collections.
Methods inherited from class checkers.types.AnnotatedTypeFactory
createLRUCache, declarationFromElement, fromClass, fromElement, fromElement, fromElement, fromExpression, fromMember, fromTypeTree, getAnnotatedType, getAnnotatedType, getAnnotatedType, getAnnotatedType, getAnnotatedType, getAnnotatedType, getAnnotatedType, getAnnotatedType, getAnnotatedTypeFromTypeTree, getBoxedType, getCurrentClassType, getCurrentMethodReceiver, getPath, getReceiver, getSelfType, getUnboxedType, getVisitorState, isSupportedQualifier, postDirectSuperTypes, type
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public JavariAnnotatedTypeFactory(JavariChecker checker,
                                  CompilationUnitTree root)
Creates a new JavariAnnotatedTypeFactory that operates on a particular AST.

checker - the checker to which this factory belongs
root - the AST on which this type factory operates
Method Detail


public boolean hasImmutabilityAnnotation(AnnotatedTypeMirror type)
type - an annotated type mirror
true iff the type is specified an immutability type other than this-mutable, false otherwise


protected void annotateImplicit(Tree tree,
                                AnnotatedTypeMirror type)
Adds implicit annotations to a qualified type, based on its tree, as follows:

annotateImplicit in class AnnotatedTypeFactory
tree - an AST node
type - the type obtained from tree


protected void annotateImplicit(Element element,
                                AnnotatedTypeMirror type)
Adds annotations to qualified types according to their provided element, as follows:

annotateImplicit in class AnnotatedTypeFactory
element - an element
type - the type obtained from elt


protected void annotateInheritedFromClass(AnnotatedTypeMirror type)
Does nothing. Don't use the framework to inherit annotations from classes; Javari behavior on annotation inheritance is ad hoc enough, so we instead implement it all on this class, and override this method with an empty method to remove the framework behavior.

annotateInheritedFromClass in class AnnotatedTypeFactory
type - the type for which class annotations will be inherited if there are no annotations already present


public Collection<AnnotationMirror> unify(Collection<AnnotationMirror> c1,
                                          Collection<AnnotationMirror> c2)
Returns a singleton collection with the most restrictive immutability annotation that is a supertype of the annotations on both collections.

unify in class AnnotatedTypeFactory
c1 - type qualifiers for the first type
c2 - tyep qualifiers for the second type
the least restrictive qualifiers for both types


public AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType constructorFromUse(NewClassTree tree)
Determines the type of the constructed object based on the parameters passed to the constructor. The new object has the same mutability as the annotation marked on the constructor receiver, as resolved by this method. @PolyRead receiver values are resolved by looking at the mutability of any parameters marked as {@code

constructorFromUse in class AnnotatedTypeFactory
tree - the new class tree
AnnotatedExecutableType corresponding to the type being constructed, with the resolved type on its receiver.


public AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType methodFromUse(MethodInvocationTree tree)
Determines the type of the invoked method based on the passed method invocation tree. Invokes the super method, then resolves annotations {@code

methodFromUse in class AnnotatedTypeFactory
tree - the method invocation tree
AnnotatedExecutableType with return value resolved as described.


public void postAsMemberOf(AnnotatedTypeMirror type,
                           AnnotatedTypeMirror owner,
                           Element element)
We modify this callback method to replace @ThisMutable implicit annotations with the qualified supertype annotation, if the owner doesn't have a @ReadOnly annotation.

Note on the given example that, if @ThisMutable tmObject were resolved as @ReadOnly tmObject, the code snippet would be legal. Such a class could then be created to obtain {@code

postAsMemberOf in class AnnotatedTypeFactory
type - the annotated type of the element
owner - the annotated type of the receiver of the accessing tree
element - the element of the field or method