Package org.checkerframework.framework.util.typeinference8.constraint
package org.checkerframework.framework.util.typeinference8.constraint
ClassDescriptionA constraint the represent additional argument constraints generated from a method or constructor invocation that is a part of a larger inference problem.<LambdaExpression →throws T>: The checked exceptions thrown by the body of the LambdaExpression are declared by the throws clause of the function type derived from T.A constraint.A kind of Constraint.A set of constraints and the operations that can be performed on them.<Expression → T> An expression is compatible in a loose invocation context with type TRepresents a constraint between two
.A result of reduction.A reduction result that contains a bound set and a constraint set.Constraints are between either an expression and a type, two types, or an expression and a thrown type.Represents a constraint between twoAbstractType