Annotation Interface UpperBoundFor

@Documented @Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(ANNOTATION_TYPE) public @interface UpperBoundFor
A meta-annotation applied to the declaration of a type qualifier. It specifies that the annotation should be the upper bound for
  • all uses of a particular type, and
  • all uses of a particular kind of type.
An example is the declaration

 @interface MyAnno {}

The upper bound applies to every occurrence of the given classes and also to every occurrence of the given type kinds.

See the Checker Framework Manual:
Upper bound of qualifiers on uses of a given type
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    Returns TypeKinds of types that get an upper bound.
    Returns Classes that should get an upper bound.
  • Element Details

    • typeKinds

      TypeKind[] typeKinds
      Returns TypeKinds of types that get an upper bound. The meta-annotated annotation is the upper bound.
      TypeKinds of types that get an upper bound
    • types

      Class<?>[] types
      Returns Classes that should get an upper bound. The meta-annotated annotation is the upper bound.
      Classes that get an upper bound