Interface OptionConfiguration

All Known Implementing Classes:
AccumulationChecker, AggregateChecker, AliasingChecker, AnnotationStatistics, BaseTypeChecker, CalledMethodsChecker, ClassValChecker, CompilerMessagesChecker, FenumChecker, FormatterChecker, GuiEffectChecker, I18nChecker, I18nFormatterChecker, I18nSubchecker, IndexChecker, InitializationChecker, InitializedFieldsChecker, InterningChecker, JavaCodeStatistics, KeyForSubchecker, LessThanChecker, LocalizableKeyChecker, LockChecker, LowerBoundChecker, MethodValChecker, MustCallChecker, MustCallNoCreatesMustCallForChecker, NullnessChecker, OptionalChecker, PropertyKeyChecker, PurityChecker, RegexChecker, ReportChecker, ResourceLeakChecker, ReturnsReceiverChecker, SameLenChecker, SearchIndexChecker, SignatureChecker, SignednessChecker, SourceChecker, SubstringIndexChecker, SubtypingChecker, TaintingChecker, TypeOutputtingChecker, UnitsChecker, UpperBoundChecker, ValueChecker

public interface OptionConfiguration
Provides methods for querying the Checker's options.
  • Method Details

    • getOptions

      Map<String,String> getOptions()
      Return all active options for this checker.
      all active options for this checker
    • hasOption

      boolean hasOption(String name)
      Check whether the given option is provided.

      Note that getOption(java.lang.String) can still return null even if hasOption returns true: this happens e.g. for -Amyopt

      name - the name of the option to check
      true if the option name was provided, false otherwise
    • getOption

      @Nullable String getOption(String name)
      Determines the value of the option with the given name.

      Note that getOption can still return null even if hasOption(java.lang.String) returns true: this happens e.g. for -Amyopt

      name - the name of the option to check
      the value of the option with the given name
      See Also:
    • getOption

      String getOption(String name, String defaultValue)
      Determines the boolean value of the option with the given name. Returns defaultValue if the option is not set.
      name - the name of the option to check
      defaultValue - the default value to return if the option is not set
      the value of the option with the given name, or defaultValue
      See Also:
    • getBooleanOption

      boolean getBooleanOption(String name)
      Determines the boolean value of the option with the given name. Returns false if the option is not set.
      name - the name of the option to check
    • getBooleanOption

      boolean getBooleanOption(String name, boolean defaultValue)
      Determines the boolean value of the option with the given name. Returns the given default value if the option is not set.
      name - the name of the option to check
      defaultValue - the default value to use if the option is not set
    • getSupportedOptions

      Set<String> getSupportedOptions()