Class DefaultQualifierForUseTypeAnnotator

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultQualifierForUseTypeAnnotator extends TypeAnnotator
  • Field Details

    • elementToDefaults

      protected final Map<Element,Set<AnnotationMirror>> elementToDefaults
      Cache of elements to the set of annotations that should be applied to unannotated uses of the element.
  • Constructor Details

    • DefaultQualifierForUseTypeAnnotator

      public DefaultQualifierForUseTypeAnnotator(AnnotatedTypeFactory typeFactory)
      Creates an DefaultQualifierForUseTypeAnnotator for typeFactory.
      typeFactory - the type factory
  • Method Details

    • visitDeclared

      public Void visitDeclared(AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedDeclaredType type, Void aVoid)
      Description copied from interface: AnnotatedTypeVisitor
      Visits a declared type.
      Specified by:
      visitDeclared in interface AnnotatedTypeVisitor<Void,Void>
      visitDeclared in class AnnotatedTypeScanner<Void,Void>
      type - the type to visit
      aVoid - a visitor-specified parameter
      a visitor-specified result
    • clearCache

      public void clearCache()
      Clears all caches.
    • getDefaultAnnosForUses

      protected Set<AnnotationMirror> getDefaultAnnosForUses(Element element)
      Returns the set of qualifiers that should be applied to unannotated uses of this element.
    • getExplicitAnnos

      protected Set<AnnotationMirror> getExplicitAnnos(Element element)
      Return the annotations explicitly written on the element.
    • getDefaultQualifierForUses

      protected Set<AnnotationMirror> getDefaultQualifierForUses(Element element)
      Return the default qualifiers for uses of element as specified by a DefaultQualifierForUse annotation.

      Subclasses may override to use an annotation other than DefaultQualifierForUse.

      element - an element
      the default qualifiers for uses of element
    • getHierarchiesNoDefault

      protected Set<AnnotationMirror> getHierarchiesNoDefault(Element element)
      Returns top annotations in hierarchies for which no default for use qualifier should be added.
    • supportedAnnosFromAnnotationMirror

      @Deprecated protected final AnnotationMirrorSet supportedAnnosFromAnnotationMirror(AnnotationMirror annotationMirror)
      Returns the set of qualifiers supported by this type system from the value element of annotationMirror.
      annotationMirror - a non-null annotation with a value element that is an array of annotation classes
      the set of qualifiers supported by this type system from the value element of annotationMirror
    • supportedAnnosFromAnnotationMirror

      protected final AnnotationMirrorSet supportedAnnosFromAnnotationMirror(List<@CanonicalName Name> annoClassNames)
      Returns the set of qualifiers supported by this type system from the value element of annotationMirror.
      annoClassNames - a list of annotation class names
      the set of qualifiers supported by this type system from the value element of annotationMirror