Annotation Type IgnoreInWholeProgramInference

@Documented @Retention(RUNTIME) @Target({ANNOTATION_TYPE,FIELD}) public @interface IgnoreInWholeProgramInference
This annotation can be used two ways:

1. As a meta-annotation indicating that an annotation type prevents whole-program inference. For example, if the definition of @Inject is meta-annotated with @IgnoreInWholeProgramInference:
@interface Inject {}
then no type qualifier will be inferred for any field annotated by @Inject.

This is appropriate for fields that are set reflectively, so there are no calls in client code that type inference can learn from. Examples of qualifiers that should be meta-annotated with @IgnoreInWholeProgramInference include @Inject, @Singleton, and @Option.

2. As a field annotation indicating that no type qualifier will be inferred for the field it annotates.

See org.checkerframework.common.wholeprograminference.WholeProgramInferenceScenes#updateFromFieldAssignment

See the Checker Framework Manual:
Whole-program inference ignores some code