Version 0.7.7, 29 Aug 2008 Base build Updated to OpenJDK langtools tl Bug fixes Fix bug causing crashes when input files contain tabs ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.7.6, 12 Aug 2008 New features Changed default array syntax to ARRAYS-PRE Bug fixes several bug fixes related to ARRAYS-PRE parsing ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.7.5, 2 Aug 2008 New features Added support for ARRAYS-PRE and ELTS-PRE array syntax Base build Updated to OpenJDK langtools build b31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.7.4, 11 July 2008 Removed support for ARRAY-IN convention Moved to the Checker Framework ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.7.3, 4 July 2008 New features Added support for type annotations in classfiles Base build Updated to OpenJDK langtools build b30 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.7.2, 26 June 2008 Documentation Improved installation instruction for Mac Base build Updated to OpenJDK langtools build b29 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.7.1, 20 June 2008 No changes in this release. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.7, 14 June 2008 Installation New, very simple installation instructions for Linux. For other operating systems, continue to use the old instructions. Base build Updated to OpenJDK langtools build b28 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.6.4, 9 June 2008 New features Added support for -Xspacesincomments ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.6.3, 6 June 2008 Updated the jsr308 to the latest openjdk langtools build (b27) New features Added support for parsing using the 'arrays' convention Documentation Updated installation instructions Miscellaneous changes Revert public API modification for messaging using trees ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.6.2, 30 May 2008 Documentation Fixed documentation broken link As of May 6, 2008, Apple finally supports Java SE 6 on the Mac. Now, it should be possible to run the JSR 308 compiler on a 64-bit, Intel-based Mac running Mac OS X 10.5.2 or later ( ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.6.1, 26 Apr 2008 Miscellaneous Added support for implicit import of JSR 308 annotations, via the "jsr308_imports" system property/environment variable. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.6, 11 Apr 2008 Bug fixes Fixed bugs in which some new array expressions with annotated dimension expressions did not parse Fixed bugs in which parse trees for annotated arrays were not correctly constructed Improved pretty-printing for annotated arrays Added support for varargs array element annotations Fixed a crash in ClassWriter ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.5.1, 21 Mar 2008 Bug fixes Fixed a bug that caused errors to be issued incorrectly for certain anonymous constructors Fixed a bug that caused annotations in which annotations on the type arguments of a method invocation were not correctly handled Miscellaneous Platform-independent binary versions of the JSR 308 javac and javap tools, as well as a script to patch a user's Java 7 installation, are now included in this release ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.5, 7 Mar 2008 Bug fixes Fixed a bug that caused parse errors for annotated arrays of generics (e.g., "List[@NonNull]") Fixed a bug that caused parse errors for some annotated new array expressions ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.4.1, 22 Feb 2008 Miscellaneous changes Restored JSR 308 support in the compiler's class reader. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.4, 11 Feb 2008 Bug fixes Fixed a bug in which javac was parsing multi-dimensional as single-dimensional arrays. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.3.99, 20 Nov 2007 Miscellaneous changes Added an AnnotatedTypeTree to the Tree API. The parser now uses an AnnotatedTypeTree where annotated types are permitted, instead of storing annotations separately in the tree. Some JSR 308 support in the compiler's class reader has been temporarily removed until some internal changes have been completed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.3, 1 Oct 2007 Miscellaneous changes Updated the distribution to OpenJDK 7 b20. Adopted a new directory structure: the JSR 308 distribution now consists only of the "langtools" directory from the OpenJDK distribution; see README.html for more information ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.2.3, 30 Aug 2007 New features updated javap to parse and display both JSR 175 and JSR 308 annotations (see ./j2se/src/share/opensource/javap) Bug fixes fixed a bug that caused invalid signature errors and/or ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptions when compiling against annotated class files fixed several bugs related to annotations on array creation expressions Miscellaneous changes forced the use of "-ea" to enable assertions when running JSR 308 javac via the wrapper script ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.2.2, 16 Aug 2007 Code Changes * openjdk updated source to OpenJDK 7 b17 Documentation Changes * openjdk/README-jsr308.html improvements to instructions ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.2.1, 1 Aug 2007 Documentation Changes * openjdk/README-jsr308.html improvements to instructions Code Changes * openjdk updated source to OpenJDK 7 b16 javac uses EndPosParser by default ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.2, 2 Jul 2007 Miscellaneous distribution now based on OpenJDK 7, includes full OpenJDK 7 source Documentation Changes * openjdk/README-jsr308.html added note about using IDEs with the JSR 308 compiler added section about building compiler separately from OpenJDK suite added section on differences from the JSR 308 proposal Code Changes * compiler updated source to OpenJDK 7 b14 fix for printing of error/warning count with -typeprocessor option anticipated Sun's fix for TreePath (bug #6473148) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.1.1, 7 Jun 2007 Documentation Changes * compiler/README-jsr308.html fixed "Reporting bugs" cross reference Code Changes * compiler parsing of class literal annotations (remaining support due in a future release) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.1.0, 1 May 2007 Initial release.