Annotation Interface CalledMethods
public @interface CalledMethods
If an expression has type
@CalledMethods({"m1", "m2"})
, then methods m1
have definitely been called on its value. Other methods might or might not have been
called. "Been called" is defined as having been invoked: a method has "been called" even if it
might never return or might throw an exception.
The subtyping relationship is:
@CalledMethods({"m1", "m2", "m3"}) <: @CalledMethods({"m1", "m2"})
- See the Checker Framework Manual:
- Called Methods Checker
Optional Element Summary
Optional Elements
Element Details
String[] valueMethods that have definitely been called on the expression whose type is annotated.- Returns:
- methods that have definitely been called
- Default:
- {}